NC Affiliate Tax Passing in 3...2...1

You don't even need to reincorporate in a new state to get around getting canned from affiliate programs due to tax issues. CJ and Amazon both judge by your mailing address, so all you need is a forwarding service address in another state. You can find plenty of services just by searching & they're not very expensive.


posted by coolguy20:
The IRS can tax your income for up to TEN more years after you move overseas if they feel you did it for tax reasons. That combined with being forced to renounce your citizenship is a big step to take.

No; it's 10 years if you renounce and it is felt that you are doing so for tax reasons. Otherwise, the US joins the Phillipines and afaik no other naton on earth in the insane practice of taxing lifetime global income of its citizens, even if you leave and never come back for a single day, have no assets or income in the country etc. There's an exemption threshold, and it's fairly generous, but there's no statute of limitations and your'e still liable for SSI.
