NC Affiliate Tax Passing in 3...2...1


Too Cool for School
Aug 3, 2008
passing in less than 2 weeks. Goes into effect 1/2010. Couldn't find other thread. au revoir stupid cunt nc legislature. already calling a new state home.

We regret to inform you that the North Carolina state legislature (the General Assembly) appears ready to enact an unconstitutional tax collection scheme that would leave little choice but to end its relationships with North Carolina-based Associates. You are receiving this e-mail because our records indicate that you are an Amazon Associate and resident of North Carolina.

Please note that this is not an immediate termination notice and you are still a valued participant in the Associates Program. All referral fees earned on qualified traffic will continue to be paid as planned.

But because the new law is drafted to go into effect once enacted – which could happen in the next two weeks – we will have to terminate the participation of all North Carolina residents in the Amazon Associates program on or before that same day. After the termination day, we will no longer pay any referral fees for customers referred to or nor will we accept new applications for the Associates program from North Carolina residents.

The unfortunate consequences of this legislation on North Carolina residents like you were explained in detail to key senators and representatives in Raleigh, including the leadership of the Senate, House, and both chambers’ finance committees. Other states, including Maryland, Minnesota, and Tennessee, considered nearly identical schemes, but rejected these proposals largely because of the adverse impact on their states’ residents.

The North Carolina General Assembly’s website is, and additional information may be obtained from the Performance Marketing Alliance at

We thank you for being part of the Amazon Associates program, and we will apprise you of the General Assembly’s action on this matter.


Hey Dean,

I'm not happy either about the new taxes they are going to pass (increase on state income tax). If Amazon is a significant amount of money for you, then I'd look into incorporating in another state.
It's not just Amazon though is it? Don't most affiliate programs cut ties with you when when the states start to impose these new taxes?

This is worrisome.

EDIT: I see more states jumping on this gravy train. With the general population not even knowing what affiliate marketing is, what a perfect way to tax and not get in trouble with the voters.
.....and this is what happens when we elect liberal, big-government, tax-happy, reckless politicians. Remember that as an affiliate marketer next time you go to the polls.
Hey Dean,

I'm not happy either about the new taxes they are going to pass (increase on state income tax). If Amazon is a significant amount of money for you, then I'd look into incorporating in another state.

amazon is worthless to me.

but the bill covers almost every type of internet transaction, so it's a slippery slope as to what you'll have to plan for as an affiliate/advertiser/merchant. this isn't about amazon in the big picture. amazon is so swift to take action because their business thrives on slim margins pushing third party retail. tax it both ways and margins evaporate.

and yes, i moved a month ago.
Combined with the raise in the state income tax, this might finally force me to move.

Not quite sure how the bill would work, but Taxes are already too damn high in the state.
Yeah I would just say move out of North Carolina and show them they won't take the extra unconstitutional taxes. New York did the same thing and then people just moved out and they state saw a decrease in revenues. The only bad thing is now many other states with large populations are taking a look at this. The only states who already denied this were Utah, West Virginia, South Carolina, and Montana. The rest either still haven't gotten to it or are still thinking about it. I am sure communist California will be soon putting it into place.
Move to Texas bros, no state income tax :) Governor Perry is a douchebag of the highest degree but at least he understands commerce.
Our State Tax rate is already set to move up another 10% to around 8% overall, damn high. North Carolina is a great state, but Virginia Beach is only a few hours away, and Taxes are about half what they are here.

....I called up the local house rep and informed his secretary of the situation. She seemed generally concerned.

The rep's secretary mentioned that there are several Senate Democrats wary to pass the income tax increase in the bill, so there is still some chance this will fail.
.....and this is what happens when we elect liberal, big-government, tax-happy, reckless politicians. Remember that as an affiliate marketer next time you go to the polls.

Not agreeing on the liberal part - these shennanigans go on all the time by both sides
The primary sponsor of this bill happens to be my representative :glowingeyes_sml:

I just sent him and my other representatives an email detailing how this is a very bad idea.

Did you happen to read the bill? The language is stunning. How anyone could write that and not believe it will hurt business is amazing.

I also loved how they had to defined the word 'ringtone' in the first part of the bill.