NBA Lockout sucks!


New member
Oct 12, 2011
This is bullshit! NBA players only care about the money, not their fans! As for the owners who lose money, I feel sorry about it because these dumb asses doesn't like to get "underpaid"!

Wake up players, these owners worked hard to pay you guys....!!!!:eek:fftopic:

The problem is that a lot of these idiot owners gave max contract to guys that aren't max contract guys. Those max contracts should be restricted for guys like LeBron and Wade and Melo and Durant, not Joe Johnson and Rashard Lewis and Amare and Bosh and others. When that many guys are getting max deals it has a trickle down effect on the rest of the salaries in the league which has caused a lot of guys to end up being highly over paid. The owners are just as responsible as the players for that if you ask me. Just because someone wants a max deal doesn't mean an owner has to give it to him. So if the owners would have shown more restraint then there probably wouldn't be so many of them that are losing money.
Black players revolting against the massa Stern.. nothing much has changed has it... oh lordy, pick a bale of cotton...
NBA players only care about the money, not their fans!

The players union went into the negotiations willing to lower their share of the pie. The owners went in demanding 14% more.

As for the owners who lose money, I feel sorry about it because these dumb asses doesn't like to get "underpaid"!

Boo hoo, I'm crying for the owner of a team that thought Rashard Lewis was worth $23 million a year. The Magic owner is one of the richest people on the planet. I don't recall anyone feeling sorry when Orlando tax payers were forced to give millions to help build the arena where the Magic play.

And it's not just the owners who will "lose money." No season = no $23 million for Lewis

Wake up players, these owners worked hard to pay you guys....!!!!

The revenue comes from the fans and they are paying to see the players. A lot of team owners don't involve themselves with the operations, and just own the team as a hobby or investment.
people watch the nba?

2010 NBA Finals Most-Viewed Ever On ABC, Series Averaged 18.1 Million Viewers - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

The NBA makes me imagine they took San Quintin prison and put all the players in colorful uniforms and gave them a ball to play with. I quit watching the NBA after the Jordan era players retired and the street thug wannabees came in.



Finals MVP :


Regular season leading scorer :


1st in assists per game :


1st in steals :


1st in blocks :


1st in field goal percentage :


1st in rebounds :


2nd in rebounds :


3rd in rebounds :


oops, forget about that one

4th in rebounds and rookie of the year :


5th in rebounds :


6th in rebounds :


7th in rebounds :


1st in 3pt % :


2nd in 3pt % :


3rd in 3pt % :


4th in 3pt % :


1st pick NBA draft :


Other hyped rookies :




(yes, I was bored and/or easily amuse myself lolz)
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Jordan retired, shut down the league

I second the motion. I stopped watching the NBA when Jordan stopped playing for Chicago Bulls.

Players and owners should also think the money they are getting all come from the fans. For without the fans, who would ever dare to watch NBA. Perhaps, its the money that motivates players to play not the passion.
Basketball is a fucking bore to watch. There's barely any strategy at all. Just run up and down the court and try to put the ball in the basket.

Football on the other hand has many layers of strategy along with more tactics that make up that strategy. Much more interesting IMO.
Even though I love basketball (and NBA) i like the lockout.

Gives me more time to work, and NFL keeps me entertained till February anyway.
Basketball is a fucking bore to watch. There's barely any strategy at all. Just run up and down the court and try to put the ball in the basket.

Football on the other hand has many layers of strategy along with more tactics that make up that strategy. Much more interesting IMO.

I love/play both sports and that is wrong.

but yeah it doesn't hurt me too much unless it stops the majority of the season..the playoffs is when it matters