Navy Seal who Murdered Osama comming out of closet

That guy knows he didn't kill Bin Laden. Bin Laden died years ago. He was in poor health and had kidney disease. This SEAL is just trying to cash in on more hush money.

UPDATE: And you wonder why the internet makes me cynical.

SEAL who shot and killed Osama Bin Laden, had his home mistakenly invaded by members of a street gang this morning shortly after 1AM. O’Neill was uninjured, the five intruders all suffered injuries and remain hospitalized, but are expected to make a full recovery. Their names were not released in anticipation of the oncoming media storm.

five men, part of a local street gang connected with the infamous Crips, were seeking to collect on a drug debt and invaded the wrong house

Mr. O’Neill used silent hand-to-hand combat tactics to individually disarm them of their weapons. Once Mr. O’Neill had taken down the five men and secured his home, he brewed a pot of coffee and called the police station. Those boys sure did find the wrong house!”

“It was nothing really. Those kids didn’t have their mission planned out properly and hit the wrong target. I hated to break their wrists and dislocate each of their knees like I did,

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Got me too haha this quote sums it up.

That actually scares the fuck out of me. I read te story, found it as a realistic story (based on the bullshit of the OP) and that was it. It was fact, and the .gov fabricated the story. Makes me wonder what other shit I "know" is bullshit? I'm guessing it's probably a lot
Sorry bro, but the wording is correct. To call it anything but cold blooded premeditated murder is just wrong.
No man, wording can be perceived as incorrect.

"Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human, and generally this premeditated state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide"

Galacon proposition for "euthanized" won't make it either.

"Euthanasia (from Greek: εὐθανασία; "good death": εὖ, eu; "well" or "good" – θάνατος, thanatos; "death") refers to the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering."

Euthanasia is an act of mercy. Surely, team wasn't there to show Osama mercy. Probably the best term is just "Neutralized". BTW, this term don't have any emotional hook and that's why is used by military personnel.

Now, if we go out of our "small world" and look at this case from a different perspective than "Murdered" could be the right word. Taking into account that in the first place Osama was trained and supplied by CIA in the past, and all that shit... Sure, it's getting more complicated and that's why dmnEPC used that word I believe. In the same sense, Galacon's "Euthanized" could be correct as well. Osama's death was painless and fast. Imagine what they would do to him if it was XIV century...

Personally I'm closer to "euthanized" though (despite all the other facts...). But, how can we be sure that all these "facts" we know these days are real? ...

Regarding this SEAL guy, he will make MUCH more $ by leaving teams and turning to the private sector. It's the best choice for him and his family.