Native English Writer Available For More Orders

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I figured this would be a good time to give this thread a bump, hold your noses because the dust is in the air from it.

I will put it simple, if you want some of the best content around WF, hit me up. My reputation for content simply speaks for itself.

Now, I decided to go ahead and offer up a rate of $3.50 per 100 words, which is less than what I normally charge for my content. This rate will be good until I post an update saying that it's no longer available.

Don't worry, I will give discounts on bigger orders.
Hey James thanks so much for the tons of work you've done for me already this year. You meet deadlines with solidity and the quality of the content is outstanding. You're the only writer I can trust with my own site content. I'm really f'ing picky about my format/style/points etc and everything turns out great, always.

ttys bro
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Hey James thanks so much for the tons of work you've done for me already this year. You meet deadlines with solidity and the quality of the content is outstanding. You're the only writer I can trust with my own site content. I'm really f'ing picky about my format/style/points etc and everything turns out great, always.

ttys bro

Thanks for stopping in, glad that you're happy with your content. :) It's a pleasure to be able to work with you.

Now that you have the content that you need, happy conversions! :smilie_weihn_winki:
OK, GetYourWriter approached me for a review writeup (he provides the article, I review)

The topic I gave him was not the easiest one, but he made a good article out of it.

The flow is nice, as is the formatting (he sent me a word document, but also offered HTML, which I declined). He broke up the text with paragraphs and also used bulleted lists in the text, which fitted the topic pretty nicely.

The article was easy to read and had a nice flow to it.

Being the nitpicker I am, there were one or two small things I would have changed, but nothing serious or time consuming.

Communication was excellent, as was the quality and turnaround time.

All in all, a recommended content writer.

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Warning: GetYourWriter's content has been known to cause many a creamed pants. Use at your own discretion and make sure you have lots of napkins or paper towels available for the "accidents" that are certain to occur. Thank you.
Just an update, I'm still booked solid, but I will be taking content orders for after Tuesday. If this fits your time-line for your content needs, hit me up and I will reserve you a spot.

No telling how quick I will be booked up for next week, so here's your chance for the best content around.
Warning: GetYourWriter's content has been known to cause many a creamed pants. Use at your own discretion and make sure you have lots of napkins or paper towels available for the "accidents" that are certain to occur. Thank you.
You know what, I think this is absolutely true. I am a virgo so perfectionism is my second nature and it is kinda difficult for me to come to terms with stuff which is not excellent. GetYourWriter wrote a kick-ass article for me on a business topic and I have to say that I was extremely impressed with what I got. Excellent flow, correct grammar and overall a very satisfactory article.

Will I use him again? You bet so!
Today is the last day that I will be taking orders, I don't know for how long exactly. All I know is that I'm about to have a kid and it's time for some personal time off when the kid gets here. :) It won't be terribly long, but after today there will be no more orders.

If you want the content that has been known to cause creamed pants, you better get on it before I stop taking orders. ;)
Damn :crap:

Please PM me your rates and details anyways when you get a chance. I'd like to place an order in the future.

Congrats on your impending fatherhood!
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