Native English Female Writer For Hire! Article Writing, Squidoo Lenses And More!

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Interested in some articles (4-5 same subject), let me know if you're available for work this weekend.

Tuesday Offer

Hey Guys

I'd love to try and get some more feedack on this thread as havent had much lately (although orders have been coming in). Will run this for the next few days, until my work slots are all taken.

If you agree to leave a review on this thread then I can do the following offers for you:

Squidoo Lens - $12.00
Press Release - $18.00
Content 1c a word

Order more than 10 of either & I will give a discount.

Debz turned around 4 articles within a 24 hours of a pm I sent her. Good quality, fast turnaround, I would use her services again.
Had to wait until after mid day to post this weekends special offer as didnt want you to think it was an April Fool :D

This weekend's special

Squidoo Lens - $11
Squidoo Lens & 300 Word Article - $13.50
Press Release - $15
Squidoo Lens & Press Release - $24
Press Release and 300 Word Article - $16

5 lenses for $53 or 10 lenses for $100.
5 Press releases for $70 or 10 press releases for $135.


Debz just completed a 5 Lenses job.
Fast delivery and quality content.
I'm very happy with her work.
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