Native Americans/What would you do with $80,000?


Nov 24, 2009
On December 1st, each and every enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians received over $4,000 for their "per capita income". No catch, just for being an enrolled member.

That's eight grand for being Native American/EBCI. Per year. I raged when I found this out. Then I found this out.

My acquaintance (hate this fuck) was talking about the bonus they get when they turned 18. I asked how much, assuming it was around the same as a per cap check. He told me he got a little bit over $80,000.

For turning 18. They pay for your college education, medical expenses, etc etc. He bought a Volkswagen Tiguan, put a $10K down payment on a house, and spent the rest on weed and alcohol within a year. Now he has nothing.

Jelly aside.

What would you do with $80,000 when you turn 18, if you were able to go back to that age with the knowledge you have now of the world?

Oh, yeah:

$10K for this.


$20K on a down payment + year or more paid on a condo here.


$25K invested in real estate. $25K invested, half in T-notes, half in high-risk stocks.
Why would you rage? That's tribal money and they can do wtf they want with it. Where do you think all the money from the Indian casinos goes to, sweat lodges and liquor? You also have to realize small tribes don't have shit like that, because they can't afford to.
I also learned recently that natives are allowed to travel AND work freely anywhere in North America. No need to apply for a working visa like us.
Why would you rage? That's tribal money and they can do wtf they want with it. Where do you think all the money from the Indian casinos goes to, sweat lodges and liquor? You also have to realize small tribes don't have shit like that, because they can't afford to.


I know where the money for Indian casinos goes. As far as this one is concerned, it's 20% profits to property enhancements/reinvesting, 40% towards per capita checks, and 40% towards medical benefits, college educations, etc. And that's a lot of money. As in over $12 billion paid out over the past ten years. Just profits.

Source: I work there, and have read the financial reports.

I know where the money for Indian casinos goes. As far as this one is concerned, it's 20% profits to property enhancements/reinvesting, 40% towards per capita checks, and 40% towards medical benefits, college educations, etc. And that's a lot of money. As in over $12 billion paid out over the past ten years. Just profits.

Source: I work there, and have read the financial reports.

At least you know where it goes. Most people have no clue. Btw I'm part native.
At least you know where it goes. Most people have no clue. Btw I'm part native <3

Cool deal. Eastern Band? I've got absolutely nothing against Native Americans. Heck, they're the ones who hired me here, and I love this job.

Something just doesn't seem right about all of this...
Cool deal. Eastern Band? I've got absolutely nothing against Native Americans. Heck, they're the ones who hired me here, and I love this job.

Something just doesn't seem right about all of this...

Sac and Fox. It might not seem right, but the money the tribes make and distribute really does do a lot of good. If you think about it it really is their money to do with how they see fit.
If I were a Native American and got $80k, I'd get $80k of liquor just to reinforce the stereotypes.
In my country, bank rate is around 1%/month. If I have 80,000 , I will keep them in bank, and have ~ 800/month. Averange of official's salary in my country is 300 to 400 month :D

12% interes a year, ye right,. in this climate youre looking at get paid 1% a YEAR in interest

p.p.s. 1% compounded over 12 months is more than 12% but i cant be fucked to do the math
12% interes a year, ye right,. in this climate youre looking at get paid 1% a YEAR in interest

p.p.s. 1% compounded over 12 months is more than 12% but i cant be fucked to do the math

He might live in a country where the currency is constantly depreciating.

@ OP,
If I got that money @ that age, I'd probably be half the man I am now. Pain and suffering have made me what I am. No jelly here. I might be earning 3x as much, since I would have had start up capital when I wanted it, in an industry that took off, but... I would not be half as smart or wise as I am now.
I also learned recently that natives are allowed to travel AND work freely anywhere in North America. No need to apply for a working visa like us.

Well, it was their country to begin with, after all. Why should they need a permit to work in in it?

As for the per capita income thing - if I understand the way you've explained it, it works like this:

The Cherokee Nation owns a bunch of casinos, liquor stores etc, the profits of which are part reinvested, part distributed amongst all the members of the nation, leading to a bunch of Indians who have a nice bonus every year.

This is as opposed to if they were owned by some white people, in which case the profits would be shared amongst the 3 people who owned it. Meaning there would be 3 very rich white people, and no bonus for the Indians?
Went to portsmith once, on the plantation, where these natives play-act like a period native.

They explained to visitors about those early days and stuff like that.
Once of the guys got sentimental and started talking about white people still killing them in reservations and all that. I was like.. WTF.. There were kids and all..