Name suggestion...

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
I am going to open a forum soon and will be investing considerably in it's design etc.

In your opinion, what name would you say is "better"...




Personally I prefer to use neither. Obviously getting can be a challenge and often impossible.. but if you can manage it then thats ideal.

Between forum and talk, I'd use talk.. but if the topic is really geeky/technical then go with forum.
out of the two... the forum one. it's not a bad name, just could hinder you in the future if you try to expand the site from just being a forum.
between the two I prefer forum... I think more people would type this in for a search, might help a little
That's a toughie, and always a struggle. IF you can, get all three (talk, forum and forums) and only use one. I do this sometimes for mine so there's nobody tryingto ride on my coat tails.
Do not internet savvy people understand the forum concept? On this basis, talk works well for non techy topics.
What about "text-text-forum" as most people will probably type in whatever subject they look for then forum at the end.
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