MySpace Wins $230M Anti-Spam judgement

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This has got to be the biggest fucking JOKE i have ever read.
I will enter some quotes from that article, then comment.

"Anybody who's been thinking about engaging in spam are going to say, `Wow, I better not go there,
'" MySpace's chief security officer, Hemanshu Nigam, told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
spammers don't want to be prosecuted. They are there to make money. It's our job to send a message to stop them."

>>> you fucking won by default, they didn't show up, plain and simple, you didn't even have time to state you case,
what the trial took a whole 5 minutes?<<<

"The Los Angeles-based company described the amount of the award as a "landmark.""

>>> the only landmark thing about this was that Myspace was able to get away with it.<<<
>>> hell if some big bully corporation like that attempted to sue you for a billion kareillion dollars, i wouldn't show up as well<<<

NOW here is the Phishy part of this whole thing i don't understand?

" MySpace said the pair sent more than 730,000 messages to MySpace members,
many made to look like they were coming from trusted friends, giving them an air of legitimacy"

>>> dude 730,000 messages? That's it? I hear of guys doing that every day and more <<<
>>> myspace must be hiding the real numbers, everyone and their father was being hit with this shit when this was going on<<<

"There was no telephone listing for Wallace in the Las Vegas area, to which he moved in 2004 to pursue night club promotion work.
Service was disconnected for two listed numbers for Rines in Stratham, N.H., his last known address; a third number in Stratham was unlisted."

>>> The so called spam was conducted in Late 06 by these guys, according to another news bulletin.
Then the last time these guys were head from was back in 04? how the fuck did they get served with papers? how did they get caught for this they
don't know their whereabouts? THIS ONE BEATS ME MAN? <<<

Oh and the best best one of them all !!

" $4.7 million in attorneys fees."

>>> HAHAHA, someone got ripped off, OR someone is reporting a false or fraudulent claim to real costs, cuz they know they will win<<<

" MySpace has another anti-spam case pending against a high-profile defendant, Scott Richter,
who it claims gained access to MySpace profiles using stolen passwords and then sent spam bulletins from those accounts."

>>> I know Scott isn't going to just sit there and be a NOSHOW, also I'm sure MR. MS will try to use this past LANDMARK decision
in Scotts case as leverage against him...LOSERS<<<<

Also one more note, IF Myspace did ever collect all that cash, would they ever share that with all the effected members that had their
accounts compromised? HELL NO, they have $4.7 million in attorneys fees to pay for and some used up bandwidth, OOPS no money left guys. :D

Just my 2 cents..
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