MySpace Multi-Purpose Program

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Dec 27, 2006
I am new to MySpace promotion but have seen how effective it can be.Most of my marketing on MySpace has been manuel just to get a feel for it. I now have devised a scheme to build a program for myspace for friend adding, comment spamming, and much more. I am looking for some more ideas of some more features or functions I can throw-in. This program will be available for sale once I complete this project at a FAIR price. Any good ideas will be grealtly appreciated and noted. Thanks for your time. :rasta:

Beating the image verify woul dhelp a great deal, I heard sending a message to yourself will eliminate this problem..

I am new to MySpace promotion but have seen how effective it can be.Most of my marketing on MySpace has been manuel just to get a feel for it. I now have devised a scheme to build a program for myspace for friend adding, comment spamming, and much more. I am looking for some more ideas of some more features or functions I can throw-in. This program will be available for sale once I complete this project at a FAIR price. Any good ideas will be grealtly appreciated and noted. Thanks for your time. :rasta:

Beating the image verify woul dhelp a great deal, I heard sending a message to yourself will eliminate this problem..

The msg to yourself will put your accounts in great jeopardy of being deleted. It looks like myspace is able to key on that now.
what about "you" sending a comment to someone on your friend list a generic comment like "hey how was your weekend!" is this as effective? no-way for myspace to know if this is fake or not
what about "you" sending a comment to someone on your friend list a generic comment like "hey how was your weekend!" is this as effective? no-way for myspace to know if this is fake or not

From what I recall, the msg had to be to yourself. It was that scenerio that exposed a glitch in myspaces system. However, i'm not 100% sure I ever tried it to someone else, but i'll try that later to make sure.

What platform are you planning to code this on?
depending on how complex the program will be...most likely in c#

That's a very good choice. Make sure to look into multi-threading, and i'd even look into using a sqlExpress database as a backend. Also, the HttpWebRequest class is your best friend.
shaggz sounds like you know what you're talking about...i will need some beta testers -=) Throw some more ideas my way and you coul dbe looking at a FREE copy or maybe 1/2 off...
shaggz sounds like you know what you're talking about...i will need some beta testers -=) Throw some more ideas my way and you coul dbe looking at a FREE copy or maybe 1/2 off...

I already have my own solution coded in, you guessed it, c#. I made the mistake of first trying to implement without a good database backend, then had to alter code midway. So, it's important to make good decisions right from the start. Oh, and avoid an access database. In my testing, the speed was wonderful on my devbox with a single user.......but when I had multiple threads opening connections, it bogged down miserably. BTW.....if you do this right, you'll probably not want to sell it.
I already have my own solution coded in, you guessed it, c#. I made the mistake of first trying to implement without a good database backend, then had to alter code midway. So, it's important to make good decisions right from the start. Oh, and avoid an access database. In my testing, the speed was wonderful on my devbox with a single user.......but when I had multiple threads opening connections, it bogged down miserably. BTW.....if you do this right, you'll probably not want to sell it.

im not greedy, and I won't be able to do this all on my own. I like to give back to those who take the time and contribute to a project like this. Two-heads are always better then 1! :love-smiley-085:
I am new to MySpace promotion but have seen how effective it can be.Most of my marketing on MySpace has been manuel just to get a feel for it. I now have devised a scheme to build a program for myspace for friend adding, comment spamming, and much more. I am looking for some more ideas of some more features or functions I can throw-in. This program will be available for sale once I complete this project at a FAIR price. Any good ideas will be grealtly appreciated and noted. Thanks for your time. :rasta:

Beating the image verify woul dhelp a great deal, I heard sending a message to yourself will eliminate this problem..

hey Mr Enigma, why not let us know when your shit myspace program is complete and give us a price? And what you are describing is already commercially available.
Exactly. The guys selling ebooks and scripts make much less than hte pros who put that shit to good use.

the concepts and ebooks and scripts are available but its how you go about things is where you can make your program unique and stand out amongst the rest. I am getting judged bcause I MAY offer this program to the public? You might be right though I might just keep it for myself. THis thread orginalyl was supposed to be for program ideas.....I don't want it to turn negative! :error:
anybody had any experience with the WWW::Myspace Perl module?

I was looking at that, and may try throwing together a simple script this weekend.
anybody had any experience with the WWW::Myspace Perl module?

I was looking at that, and may try throwing together a simple script this weekend.

Last time I tried it, it didn't work, probably just some minor updates needed, but the amount of code seemed huge and awful. I'm using a modified glitchcast perl friend adder hooked up with some ruby mysql and python, and recently tor. Got a friend interested in this project about a week ago, and we're trying to implement a mostly automated account creator. Good luck-
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