My lazy fucking housemate


Brb, gym.
Aug 20, 2010
South Australia
Just here to rant.

My housemate is Filipino, used to live in Australia, did highschool here, moved back to Philippines, moved back to Australia a little over 2 months ago.

Family in the Philippines has lots of money, lived with mummy, mummy gave him money, did a shitty events management degree at uni, hosted events for fun.

Has never done any hard work in his life, doesn't want to work, borrowed money from his parents to pay bond, parents bought him a car, constantly asks his mum and sister for money.

Got a job washing dishes at a Pizza house 2-3 nights a week. Making enough to pay his rent, bills etc.

Signed a rent agreement on the apartment in the city.

Gets a job a Maccas 10 hours a week, making about $140/wk, on top of pizza job, making decent cash each week.

Works pizza job for a month, quits because of his "anemia", actually it was just interfering with his social life.

No money to pay rent, is subletting his room to someone else, and he's going to board with some creepy 76yr old lady around the corner.

Fuck, he was the one that wanted to move out from his parents and lease a city apartment when we could've leased a brand new apartment in a new estate for much cheaper, then complains like fuck when he can no longer afford it because he's a lazy cunt.

inb4 your housemate is pewep, inb4 fuck you, inb4 you're gay, inb4 peasants


You were too stupid to listen to 95% of the roommate horror stories out there.

PS - only reason a Phillippino should be in your house is to change your diaper and dust your fireplace.

You were too stupid to listen to 95% of the roommate horror stories out there.

PS - only reason a Phillippino should be in your house is to change your diaper and dust your fireplace.

I hope the guy he's subletting the room out to is better. If he isn't I'm just gonna find someone to take over the lease and go travel overseas. Fuck this shit.

When he first got back out here, he was working hard a fuck, didn't care how many jobs he was working, he was hustling hard, out putting in resumes to stores everyday until he got the job, then kept trying to get interviews with other businesses, then the novely wore off and he went back to his lazy Filipino ways.

I guess sheep gon' sheep.

either marry him or chuck him out.

I'm too straight for him. It's kinda funny, because he's not sure if he's gay, bi, or straight. LOL
Should have put more of a sympathetic spin on the story. Then maybe the WF community would have chipped in, and bought you some flowers!
You in Sydney city? It can be a bitch sometimes, I've rented my apartment out to a number of morons.
Wish I had a pino that lived with me. I'd hook him up with a computer and lock him in the office.
Pimp him out on Craigslist so that he makes the rent every month. Its win get stable rent money every month and he gets cock in the ass which will help him to decide whether he is gay, straight, or Bi.
Wish I had a pino that lived with me. I'd hook him up with a computer and lock him in the office.

He'd probably just browse Tumblr and Googlehammer all day... :updown:

I mean, he won't even work when he's getting paid, what hope do I have of getting him to work for nothing?
tl;dr why haven't you kicked him out?

He's paying his rent, and both our names on on the lease agreement, and I don't want to be stuck with an expensive ass flat and have to find someone to board in the other room.

He's moving out the day after tomorrow thank fuck, but I don't know if his replacement will be much better. Atleast the replacement is actually skilled, so that's a good start. LOL