My iPad just left China

Isn't hmtl 5 going to kill flash anyway? from what I hear Apple hates Adobe and flash will never happen anyway.

I will probably have to cave and get a ipad for app development at some point, though.

I think of it more as a jack of all trades. It can do most of the stuff you mentioned reasonably well but nothing perfectly. So I expect I can do lots of lightweight stuff and if I need something specific or whatever I'll walk over to my computer or power up my actual laptop. Also there are lots of useful apps on the app store and the games are actually pretty good. I expect a lot of cool stuff to be made for the ipad.

We'll see though it may be a piece of shit then I'll get an HP Slate once they come out.

I can't think of a single thing an ipod touch does "resonably well" compared to a netbook which is the same size and half the price.
nickycakes you are ignoring the primary reason for buying ANY apple product. Confirmation that you are a toolbag that thinks being "hip" is more valuable than being productive and well paid.

With the exception of the iphone (which was ruined by AT&T exclusivity) apple really doesn't produce ANYTHING thats a good value for the money from a productivity or common sense stand point. It's always been about being "different and cool". Why the fuck else would people buy a laptop for 3000 that has no upgrade ability and costs double or sometimes triple the price of a comparable PC spec wise?

It's like buying a rolex. Does it tell time any better than a timex? does it have more functionality? no. but it does carry some social status.

Apple products are similar but for college kids. Lets stoner college kids give off the impression that they have "social status".

Good thing for the rest of us we care far more about our bankroll than we do about looking cool in front of people with low IQ's.
nickycakes you are ignoring the primary reason for buying ANY apple product. Confirmation that you are a toolbag that thinks being "hip" is more valuable than being productive and well paid.

With the exception of the iphone (which was ruined by AT&T exclusivity) apple really doesn't produce ANYTHING thats a good value for the money from a productivity or common sense stand point. It's always been about being "different and cool". Why the fuck else would people buy a laptop for 3000 that has no upgrade ability and costs double or sometimes triple the price of a comparable PC spec wise?

It's like buying a rolex. Does it tell time any better than a timex? does it have more functionality? no. but it does carry some social status.

Apple products are similar but for college kids. Lets stoner college kids give off the impression that they have "social status".

Good thing for the rest of us we care far more about our bankroll than we do about looking cool in front of people with low IQ's.

Disagree, I thought the ipod nano was pretty good. Everything else tho = turd.
ipods in general suck ass. I'm guessing you don't have a particularly keen ear for music. Get an S9 and a decent set of cans or custom IEMs... then try going back to an ipod... see how you feel then.