My friend committed suicide...

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Sorry to hear, Aim. When I was 21, one of my best friends killed himself so I know what you're going through. It's a rough time, but things will get better. Hang in there, man.
Sorry, man.

I have friends who took that road. It's tough , especially when you look back and really never saw it coming.
Sorry AIM, I have had a friend do this as well. But mine was not a close friend. Sounds like this was a close friend, Sorry.

And to all - Not to be hard on him but if you ever get to a place like that in your life you need to get help or get out. Get out of that situation, tell all your enemies to go fuck themselves (By mail if you cant do it in person) and leave. Move away, move back home, get some sunshine. I dont know how people stand it up in the northern states. A change of scenery and friends can do wonders.
aim, sorry to hear about your loss.

talk about it with your friends/family/pastor/rabbi/whatever as much and often as you can.

don't bottle up that shit inside because it will eat you up eventually..
Man, that's tragic.
Hope you're dealing with it ok, aim.

My experience with people that are highly creative in an artistic sense is that they invariably have esteem issues and depression. I know this girl, head of design at Tantulus (I think it was Tantulus... maybe Auran?)... You can see the scars on her arms...

But there is a pretty high correlation between creativity and self harm.

At least your friend doesn't have to keep on struggling with the weight of the issues that ground them down to this, and they've found some sort of rest. Maybe there's some solace in that though... but I think for most people there probably isn't :(
man that sucks, Never had anyone commit suicide but have had friends die suddenly not a good thing, anything you need just ask. At least he can live through you and what he taught you. Give him a legacy and just because he is dead does not mean that what he stood for and was about has to die with him.
Sorry for your loss. Here's my philosophy on suicide:

Shit, aim - what can I say?

Remember the good times and keep your head up.
Thanks again everyone for their condolences. You are all very nice. The last 5 days I haven't stopped thinking about how someone could do that so suddenly, with absolutely no warning to his friends. We are all heartbroken.

Once again thanks again. For anyone who has never lost friends / family, it's the weirdest feeling. It has gotten me thinking over the last few days; for anyone who is involved with internet marketing, if you don't have this already, it's time to start a "keepsafe" folder. This folder should contain any pertinent information to your business such as such as advertising accounts, publisher accounts, bank accounts, etc.

Basically, make it easy for your beneficiaries to take over any and all assets and/or expenditures you have. Adwords, affiliate accounts, bank accounts, etc. Keep it all documented in a folder somewhere, and let you closest friends and family know where that folder is in case of a tragedy.

Anyway thanks again to all.

I just wanted to say that if anyone is thinking about suicide or harming yourself, please don't do it.
Do anything else. Call your family. Call your friends. Post a note at wickedfire. But it's just not worth it, no matter how low you may feel.

It happened to one of my best friends too. All I can say it echo the same thing. Don't do it!

You are not a burden! People with depression can do amazing things! There is a reason such a large amount of the population has depression for darwinian reasons! We need people who can be creative!!

A person with depression is never a burden! You are loved!!!!
in time like this, where recession is very heavy and price of rice and goods rises almost everyday, u ought to suicide if u got a business and depends 100% on it but no client on behalf ...i were just speculating because i have few friends who are very depressed these days, due to low adsense earning, low affiliate earning and almost everything involving internet are coming down and down this year ...
I had a close friend of mine attempt to do the same thing last night. Fortunately, she decided to warn me about it, so I was able to stop her. Scary as fuck though.

Always a shame when you here about it happening from where you grew up (Before i came to Thailand, I lived in the North Minneapolis suburbs).

Has it stopped snowing yet?
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