My friend committed suicide...

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
My friend and colleague committed suicide. He ran this company: Darwin Design Labs: Evolving Design. We have been friends and have worked on projects together for a long time.

It's a horrible feeling. He was a great person and one of the best web designers in the Minneapolis area. Taught my everything I know about web design. Obviously there were issues in his life, but it's such a tragic loss.

I just wanted to say that if anyone is thinking about suicide or harming yourself, please don't do it.
Do anything else. Call your family. Call your friends. Post a note at wickedfire. But it's just not worth it, no matter how low you may feel.

Thats rough man, sorry for your loss of a good bud. I agree, nothing is bad enough to take your life. If shit ever hits the fan so bad, there's always someone to talk to about it and there's always someone to help you out.
What a tragedy. Severe depression is hard on everyone. In circumstances of suicide, I know the ones left behind are shocked and can't even comprehend why. And they just aren't here to tell us. It's very sad.
I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sure you feel confused and are wondering "why". He seems like he was a accomplished, successful person. My Mother 'n' Law's coworker committed suicide over weekend and she was a counselor. Everyone is so confused because she didn't portray to anyone that she was dealing with these emotions. Then yesterday a client of mine told me he was thinking about suicide, but we talked about how everyone has a purpose in life and that circumstances you are experiencing will get better even when you think they won't. My Mother 'n' Law is a drug and alcohol counselor and she told me that it only takes 30 seconds for a person to make the decision to commit suicide and then go through with it. So a friend, call a family member, post something here....YOU HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE! Again I am so sorry for you and his's rips out your heart and makes you feel so sad. I feel for you today and will pray for you.
God Bless.
Sorry, bud. :(

It's hard to make any sense out of things when shit like this happens.
That's shit man, so sorry to here that. A friend killed himself when we were about 17, got an idea where you're at and know it ain't a good place. Hang on in there man.
Jesus dude, I'm sorry to hear that. I can't relate, but I know what it feels like to lose someone. Take care of yourself dude.
Sorry to hear that AIM, It's really a great loss losing your close friend. :(
Sorry for your loss mate.

Damnit, he really was a good dev/design guy! Love the site.

Why can't bad designers die instead?!
My deepest condolescence. aim, I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your buddy. I just take a look at his works and it was really marvelous. May he rest in peace.
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

We had just had lunch a couple of weeks ago to go over some projects I was bringing him on board to help out with. It's the weirdest thing to pick up the phone and hear someone you know so well is gone. It's so... abrupt.
My heart jumped a little when I read this thread title. 2 weeks back my friend's bf did the same, and it is very much a jolt to the system. I'll be doing something mundane like doing the dishes or driving to work and it'll just suddenly hit me that he's gone. Try not to bottle things up.

edit: Forgot to add, at the memorial service last Friday his dad said something which helped me a lot. He said that we don't react to a death from cancer or illness with such confusion, so we should accept that his illness (depression) was the cause of death. I found that very helpful, and we spent the afternoon thinking of all the cool stuff he did and the positive aspects of having known him.
That sucks, dude. My condolences.

Times are tough right now.
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