my first purpose built landing page

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We make things GREEN
Feb 16, 2009
bostic nc
my main page has always been very informational and after some weeks on here i have learned that a landing page is probably the best thing to do so i have created a very simple landing that should suck someone in??? Does it? suggestions anyone. More pictures? more bold should i throw in there free something?
do your eyes immediately read the center text?
HHOTEK On-demand Hydrogen Kits

i still feel like im in 1999. Also, maybe move the links to the middle more. Like the Home, Fuel Savings, Electric savings and Contact us.
I agree. It looks dated and somewhat amateurish.

Where's the main article header? Give the user (and search engines) a big h1 tag headline. Then make your intro. Increase your line height so your text isn't so cramped. Break it into the intro and 2 or 3 paragraphs. Open it up a bit. Add some decent pictures, include alt tags on those pictures.

Why is there a table slapped into the middle of your css based code?

Kill of the second green core earth... it's saying nothing. In fact, I don't really like the green core earth graphic at all. If you want to go with an Earth I'd use a nice lush green and blue glossy orb or I'd go with some sort of green leaf analogy. It's what people are familiar with.

Make your logo smaller and maybe add a tag line. Flatten it out and lose the cheesy bevel and emboss/dropshadow filter combo. If you want it to look like metal, then make it look like proper automotive chrome, ie. a sharp horizon line cutting through the middle with sky and earth reflection.

Give us some nice big tabs on the menu bar with roll over effects and on states.

I reckon if you follow through with some of these recommendations you'll be much closer to a really professional looking page.
Thanks Logic, and thanks HHOTEK for taking some of my advice. I think you're getting there. Love the Earth graphic. I still think you can still tighten it up a bit more. Don't rush into anything cause you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Can you say a bit more? I'd make your intro paragraph bold and the following paragraphs regular weight.

I like the moist looking earth, I'd nuke the old globe graphic and replace it with just a glossy green leaf in the same style as the leafy earth below. Testimonials are great, maybe give them a box of their own so they are separated form the content a bit. Put a horizontal rule between each one.

Keep going!
the new earth leaf picture looks better to the right. Maybe the gray/black doesnt really fit with the whole site.
I tend to agree the grey/black colours might not be the best choice. I guess you need to decide what demographic you are going after. Is it the tech demo bass car crowd to which your Acura and BMW projects will appeal? Or is the Prius owning Macbook late sipping crowd? Or is it somewhere in between? Maybe you need different landing pages to grab different people's attention?
I whipped this up to demo what a different header might look like but it's a bit too dark and too tech IMO. Certainly not done, I gotta make some food.

Ok here it goes....

First, the copy/tone of the site:
First off, who is your audience? Is it the lay-man? or is it someone technical and versed in the ways of "green-ness"?

I say this because going through the site i notice all kinds of complex language, graphs, and other boring stuff that no avg person cares to read. I even question whether people who already know about
being green" will care to read it.

All-in-all the site looks like it was made by, well, you; a person who is too involved in the product and does not know copywriting/ branding/advertising concepts (no offense. But that's always the result when a the marketer/engineer/some-other-company-entity tries to create advertising for their own product)

Lets just look at the landing page for a sec. I just read everything on that main page and i still have no idea exactly what you are offering. Is it a tool? A fuel? A Kit of some sort? What's the actual product or products you sell? Their is no picture to help explain, and there is not text. Chances are i'm not clicking any further to find out.

Now some specifics. Your headline; it blows. It's too generic and does not entice me to read further. It's a headline i've seen a thousand times on cop-out advertising written by in-house employees. You need to be more specific. More interesting.

Current headline: "Reduce your monthly energy costs with HHOTEK"

- Vague. Reduce by how much?
- Boring. Seen this line 100 times
- Unfamiliar. Don't know what HHOTEK is, don't care to find out.

Let's try a few alternates that are more clear and make you want to read more. Now keep in mind this is off the dome here, so not saying these are "it". But some brainstroming time could produce even better options.

But before we come up with headlines, lets figure out the main benifit. I'm gonna assume that it's saving $300 a month....\

Here are some possible alts

Who thought "going green" could save you $300 a month?

Would you still put off "going green" if it meant an extra $300 a month in your pocket? (could be shortened with some work)

Introducing the "green" technology that saves you $300 a month - and protects the environment.
Again, they need work, but you get the idea...

Of course, those headlines are a more Direct Marketing approach. With some careful thought you could go for copy/headline that's more about pushing your brand. It all depends on your goals, which need to be carefully thought out.

Now, onto the design.
As mentioned, the overall look and feel is dated. But if you just use a more modern template, your still not gonna get the results you want. Here's why:

1. You need to work on your overall brand/identity. You'r all about going green but your logo, and site as a whole, does not communicate that message. Your identity should be able to at leaset somewhat communicate what you do without people reading the text on the page. Thnk BP for example.
2. Your site looks like a blog template, not a corporate site for a revolutionary environmental product
3. Specific to the landing page, you don't need the navigation at the top. it will distrct people from reading your copy and your selling point
4. Also specific to the landing page: your headline does not stand out, its stuffed in there with everything else. Assuming you don't ever change the design of the current page, just making the headline red (or green) would help a ton.
5. The graphic of the globe is vague. What does it mean? It does not sell anything or push the benifit of your product. You need product images (professionally shot) and/or images illustrating the benifits...

the list goes on...

All in all, if this is a product you plan on selling and making money from, it would pay to hire a professional company to do it.

If anything i said makes sense to you, and you feel like i know what i'm talking about, you can send me a PM and i can tell you about the internet marketing company i started a few months ago and my background and all that good stuff.

Just a heads up, i'm not one of the dudes offering $75 landing pages. But i do have a smart team of internet marketing professionals made up of people with agency experience working on big brands and such. Anyway, if your interested, PM me. If not, still hope the advice helped!
The #1 thing that struck me as out-dated was the logo. I would look into getting one designed that is more web 2.0 and has a more friendly feel to it.
Fatbat's design is fucking awesome, stop fuckin round & buy it.

That coupled with rgordon83's advice and your on your way to a winning campaign.

You say (in previous posts) your worried if you get someone else to design your page you won't be able to tweak it later on, well i see a winning landing page and awesome advice in this thread, that equals money in teh bank if you follow it IMO so what does this mean? You will have teh monies to pay Fatbat to tweak it for you. kapeesh!
Looks like a good product, but do I pronounce your company name
"Haich - Two - Oh -Tech"

Get a pro in to do the design, copy and so forth
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