My First Informal C&D!


Nov 24, 2009

I think I handled it in a good way. The guy's site is literally the only content-driven competition worth anything. The problem is that the site looks like something from Geocities in 2003. I'm still looking to dominate the niche, as it's a pretty good one. Interested to see how this plays out over time.

I don't think I would've told him that you are just looking to flip the site and make affiliate money. I always find it is better to just play dumb, now he may target your site.
I don't think I would've told him that you are just looking to flip the site and make affiliate money. I always find it is better to just play dumb, now he may target your site.

I wish I would have thought that through a little better before sending the email. Strong point, thank you.
Ron seems ripe for a 4chan-style raid.

If only OP posted his URL...

Haha while I am not looking to make friends in this particular industry, I am also not looking to make enemies. I'm simply an ambitious twenty-something with more to lose than an email may lead on. However, while imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... in this case it is illegal.
I would have replied much stupider lol, I made the mistake of replying to my first c&d with a lawyer and I got fucked for that , had I played stupid and just took the content down I would have undoubtedly been fine
As far you know that email ended up in the spam folder. Is Ron a copyright lawyer? Doubtful, he probably can't even spell lawyer, so fuck Ron.

I would have never responded, especially with all of that detail.
Should have fired up MS Paint, and drawn a little red seal to sign your e-mail with, to make it official.
Yeah i wouldn't have sent this passive aggressive email. Giving away too much info. For instance, now he can prepare for your launch.

Best would have been "Oops, sorry sir...trying to figure out how this all works with writing and stuff...."
I don't mind if my writer does that, if it's really well rewritten/spun and looks better than the original. Sometimes these products barely have any info so it's better than nothing.
I love how the reply admits to "spinning" who says things like that? Especially to a random stranger who e-mailed you.

LOL your reply is awesome.