Mt.Gox Meltdown

Blood will floweth in these streets.

Not like have a stake in the matter.

Part of me wants to see btc go ahead and completely crash so I can get rid of this regret of not purchasing at $10.
I bought 10 bitcoins @5$ and regret not buying more....if it crashes i regret not selling @ 1000$, if it doesn't i regret not buying enough to make this an epic play. Either way i regret..story of my life.
Gox is going down faster as the Broncos last weekend. Thats not easy.
There whole high price system is gone now, they are cheaper as the other exchanges.

If they survive this, the market will be different. If they go down, it will be different too.
If you play your cards right in that kind of turmoil, you make alot money. If play it wrong...
Even if it dies wont it just be replaced by another exchange?
Was going to post about this the other day, but wasn't sure just how bad it was. People were withdrawing btc and it would leave their account and then not show up where they sent it. So then they started to panic, which apparently caused a bank run.

Cryptsy has also been going down for periods of time. And also some of the markets like COL were totally shut down and MEOW deposits don't show up for a couple hours apparently.

And Paypal started freezing accounts if they found out you used it for crypto to usd transfer.

Oh and Apple removed the last and most widely used coin wallet from the app store.
They are closing on Friday night and won't give an update until Monday?

That sounds like how the FDIC closes and takes over banks in the US.
They posted this on reddit an hour ago (pretty sure it's them)

Hello all. We just want to reiterate that this is not a “stop” but a temporary pause so that we can implement a proper fix to the problem. To analogize, not pausing withdrawals would be like trying to fix a car while going 120mph down the highway. The issue merely compounds on itself. This pause is clearly not ideal, but it will lead to a better outcome than doing otherwise. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience.
Well, Bitcoin is not worth 800 or even 1000$ at the moment. But that is hard to accept for most "Bitcoin millionaires" so they hold on to their "treasure". The other force at play are those who want to see it crash because they feel like they missed out big time (they did!). They can't make it crash directly because they do not own any coins...their only weapon is psychological warfare. Now that all these butthurt people found an outlet for their frustration by inventing and investing in a ponzi scheme called "Dogecoin" ("Look at me, im so cool, im in at the GROUND FLOOR!!!") ...i say bitcoin can only bounce back.

Personally, i bought in @ $670

BTW, anyone in the get rich quick niche ... the dogecoin crowd is waiting to be harvested.