Moving to AZ! Any other gay webmasters here in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area?

Yeah, the 105F+ (40C+) heat isn't the problem. The problem comes in when it doesn't let up for 5 or 6 weeks at a time. After a few weeks of no break at all in the heat, then it starts getting to you, because there's just no escaping it.

Not quite like that.. :)
It's actually more like this:

I was in Scottsdale in February and it was 75. While it was 35 in WA :D

100+ too hot for ya? Stay inside in the A/C until it cools off for the eve.
Problem solved.

Besides, this is DRY heat. Not "blazing hell" heat like you get in some southern states and Florida. That I wouldn't like. I rather have 110F dry than 80F humid any day.

That looks pretty similar to what I said. I actually liked the feeling of walking outside into 110 dry heat, but most people don't and it does get old after a few weeks.

All I'm saying is that I moved to Scottsdale thinking for some reason the weather was like southern California and gorgeous all year. Then I was scraping ice off my car in the morning thinking wtf is this...
To the OP...I just moved here myself and have some advice for you.

Don't drink and drive around here.

AZ has some of the strictest DUI laws in the nation and the police here are fucking corrupt. I've heard of people getting DUI tickets and still being under the legal .08%. And if that happens, they put you in that concentration camp called Tent City where you boil under the heat. From what I heard, it's so bad the ACLU is trying to get it closed down.

Plan on getting to know all the Uber drivers in town or take golf carts from bar to bar if you're in south Scottsdale.

Maybe some of the other AZ people on here can weigh in on this matter. I'd love to hear others experience.
I've been in Scottsdale for like 10 years now.

It's pretty nice overall, but people forget that it does get humid here. It may not be 100% but we can get hot days with like 50% humidity and it blows. You get used to it but it does suck sometimes. Even at night it doesn't cool off. During the summer you just always expect to feel a giant swarm of heat as soon as you walk outside, including at night. It's constant heat 24/7 for like 3 or 4 months. Towards September it is still really hot and annoying and you really don't feel the touch of cool outside air until about mid to late October when you can finally wear a long sleeve shirt outside without sweating.

Fall, winter and spring are very nice here. It's sunny like every day here and you can do lots of outdoor activities. I haven't lived in too many places, but overall I really like it. It's never windy and always sunny. 3 - 5 months are somewhat rough but the other 7 months are very nice.

As for DUIs and police it's true. AZ has really hardcore DUI laws. I know so many people who have run into hardcore DUI problems in AZ. I'd give you an example of cops being assholes but I really don't want to make the details public. It ended with the cops breaking into my GF's house and shooting and killing her dog. I'm sure the Schutzstaffel is bad everywhere but here is definitely no different.
Lived in Scottsdale for a few years, we liked it a lot. Never had a problem with the heat, but it can get a little old. Sedona is awesome and it's not too far of a drive - head there for a nice break.

Damn do I miss the protein pancakes at US Egg.
Do you know what area of phoenix you will be living? Also what are your interests/age? Culturally Phoenix is a shit hole but there are pockets of culture that are starting to develop.
Heyyyy TMFer ;)
Hey there.. who are you over there? ;)

Yeah, I'm I live in Scottsdale right now. You get used to the heat, besides there's something called A/C that comes in handy!
Yup, my thinking exactly. Plus when you work from home you don't have to sit in commutes or traffic anyway at the hottest time of the year.

All I'm saying is that I moved to Scottsdale thinking for some reason the weather was like southern California and gorgeous all year
Dude.. didn't know you lived in Scottsdale too. We should meet up some time.

To the OP...I just moved here myself and have some advice for you.
Don't drink and drive around here.
AZ has some of the strictest DUI laws in the nation
Actually glad to hear that. Too many innocent people die thanks to fuckers who drink and drive every year, so the stricter - the better to me :) Yup, golf carts to clubs or designated drivers should be the norm anyway.

ah Scottsdale AZ, home of many big brand porn companies! If you pull a Grunin you can always get a job at your local glory hole!
Lol @ pulling a Grunin. Also didn't know that about the pr0n companies..

Do you know what area of phoenix you will be living? Also what are your interests/age? Culturally Phoenix is a shit hole but there are pockets of culture that are starting to develop.

We'll be in northern Scottsdale, off E Cactus Rd.
@Uber and the others - where approx are y'all at?
Actually glad to hear that. Too many innocent people die thanks to fuckers who drink and drive every year, so the stricter - the better to me :) Yup, golf carts to clubs or designated drivers should be the norm anyway.

Yeah, only the problem is the cops here can bust you even if you're under .08%.

Even if you do take Uber, those costs can add up if you have to pick up your date in Phoenix, then to a bar, then somewhere else, then back to her place, then back to your place later that night or next morning.

I see that as getting very expensive.
We'll be in northern Scottsdale, off E Cactus Rd.
@Uber and the others - where approx are y'all at?

I moved to LA last August, but I was on Hayden Rd.

You can PM me if you want local spots in Scottsdale but it's a pretty small world so I'm sure anybody that lives there can show you around.
Damn, didn't realize so many people lived in Scottsdale. I'm down in old town.

The heat does get brutal, especially if you like to exercise. During the summer, you basically have to get up at 5am, or go at night after the sun goes down (which I do a lot).

If you're active and like to run/hike/bike, it's pretty awesome here. I'm a big mountain biker and there's awesome shit all around the PHX/Scottsdale area. Plus, you can go 2 hours north to Flagstaff and be in pine forests with temps 20 degrees cooler. Not to mention, there's Prescott & Sedona.

You have to think of the Summer in AZ as the East Coast's winter, except you can actually do shit outside during the summer here.

And real estate is pretty goddamn cheap. The property taxes are like $400 bucks a year.

Should definitely get a group together for drinks.