Mormons Baptizing Dead Jews and other LULZ

...dead people are not supposed to vote, though I understand it happens in CHicago.


There is a LOT more stranger things about Mormons and current practices. I was raised, but left stopped believing at age 15. Why? Because I finally got around to learn more about my religion and within a day realized it was FUCKED UP. I'm now 35 and have forgotten most of it. So when I'm told about something new, like 3 (I think 3) immortal dudes walking around the earth doing random acts of kindness, I'm still shocked. No shit, today's Mormon believes there are 3 immortal dudes walking around. I had to dial-a-mormon to confirm when I heard this after my daughter informed me that her friend said her grandpa new one of them.
I'm Mormon. Interesting discussion. Yes, many religious practices seem strange to others who don't know the WHY factor, or the background.

It reminds me of when people say Ron Paul's foreign policy is crazy. I thought the same thing until i listened to his reasoning. Now it makes sense to me.

Go Ron!