Mormons Baptizing Dead Jews and other LULZ


New member
Aug 10, 2007
Do you ever just have one of those surrel moments, where you take a step back and say, Wait, are you guys seeing this??? I had one of those the other night when I was listening to NPR and they did an explanation behind the Mormon Babtism scandel.

The whole thing on both sides is utterly ridiculous:

QUENTIN COOK: The savior said that everybody had to be baptized to enter into kingdom of heaven and so, by proxy, there is a baptism for all of those who are deceased. Now, we concentrate, first of all, on our ancestors and then for the people in the world at large.

This baptism is not binding on them unless they accept it, so we consider this a great effort of love and accomplish our Father in heaven's plan for his children that are deceased.

SIEGEL: And just to clarify, Howard, he's speaking of the deceased accepting the baptism?

BERKES: That's right. These baptisms involve people who have died and have been dead for some time and what happens is that, inside Mormon temples are these baptismal fonts. They're pools of water. They're about the size of a hot tub and they each have 12 carved oxen that are holding them up and there's a line of volunteers who read a long list of names as other volunteers are immersed into the water. They're stand-ins for the deceased.


ERNEST MICHEL: It is wrong for the church to posthumously baptize dead Jews who were killed during the Holocaust. My parents, who were killed in Auschwitz, would have never agreed to be baptized by the Mormon church and that's why we are so concerned about it.

...they don't care...cause they're dead.

BERKES: And, simply put, it's people who died because of their faith are being baptized into another faith. That doesn't sit well. Again, Mormons insist that the deceased soul won't accept the baptism if it doesn't want to, so there's really no harm done.


So yeah. Totally surreal when you realize everyone is insane and fighting to see whose the least insane.

I've seen spats like this before with the Mormon church, but what I don't understand is why anyone cares what dead people Mormons baptize for if the Mormon church isn't true.
where do I put my name on the list?

God forbid I crash my lambo doing 130 with .9 in my system, or snort a gram or two or three too much and die rather suddenly. Or get sent to the other side while getting blasted in the a** by a donkey.

Nice to know that I can have someone else baptise for me and forgive all my sins.
Yeah, it all of this kind of reminds me of how I "suspend my disbelief" when watching scifi movies/shows or reading fictional books.

Except religious people suspend their disbelief, eternally.
I pretty much just assume that the human race is mostly full of completely irrational, emotional people who are just naturally so dumb that they can't help it. This helps me get through things like what was in the OP.
thats not fair, the mormons clearly say that the dead can object to being converted, so far no one noticed anything, it looks like the dead are OK with this, and people start getting all worked up and all...
God Gene Hardwired
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I don't really have it, but lots of folks around me do. When I admit it, they sort of think I am a "bad person" though they don't really say that. I also admit that part of me wishes I could take comfort, like they do, from believing that their particular voodoo works better than somebody else's voodoo. It cements them to a community I feel alienated from sometimes.

That aside, I can sort of understand the children of Holocaust victims being offended. But you're right...everybody needs a hobby, and if Mormons want to have a ritual like that....and it doesn't really hurt anybody...who cares?

I love sci fi, and have no problem suspending disbelief when I watch Walking Dead/ Being Human/ Star Trek though... I think that just makes me a nerd.
That aside, I can sort of understand the children of Holocaust victims being offended.

I was waiting for someone to bring this up. But here's the thing. Do you know how many Christians I have praying for my damned soul? I don't know either, but I can tell you it's my whole extended family and some childhood friends.
This was, at first, offensive to me, but I got over it and choose to look at the pollyanna side which, Wow, I've got alot of people that love me and keep me in their thoughts. That's kinda nice.

So maybe the Jews should be honored that these crazy mormons are so concerned. Now the real offense might be if Hitler is on that list :/
Yeah, it all of this kind of reminds me of how I "suspend my disbelief" when watching scifi movies/shows or reading fictional books.

Much of today's science fiction will be tomorrow's reality.

[ame=""]Neil deGrasse Tyson On The Astrophysics Of Star Trek - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible Season 1 Episode1 Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]