More Fattie Pics Please

^^^ Seriously bruhs....

Why do chubby girls give good head?


Thank me later. Also, REALLY skinny girls are usually boring as hell in the sack regardless...I say this having sampled quite the broad spectrum my brosefs. Saying all that, when it comes to rollin in the hay...gimme a shorter/athletic/slightly thick girl overall ya diggg

EDIT: Also, I seriously need to start dating southern chicks or something, out here on the West coast a lot of these girls DO NOT all. I feel like down home southern cooking is a lost art and hot girls from that area will become a rare and ultimately extinct species, so I am feeling desperation at this point. A man needs a good meal...

The wife worked with a chubster who had the most beautiful hair and face, and with a year's worth of not eating every fucking thing in sight would have been drop dead gorgeous. But she wouldn't stop the eating. My wife would go to lunch with her and this woman would order two lunches, all fat stuff like quesadillas and pizzas and crap. Medically the woman checked out okay, so my wife never understood what was driving her overeating unless it was emotional stuff or hormonal stuff (all of which CAN happen, I get it, and it would suck if I went through something similar.)

This woman spent some time living in the islands, St. John's or whatever, and dating black men exclusively because the cliche is so often true and many of them like bigger women. Problem was, this meant that her dating pool tending to be black guys from the islands who wanted a meal ticket out of her. My wife would go over to this woman's house and there would be this woman's latest "true love/soulmate" who took over her house, expected the woman to drive him everywhere and pay for everything, all for the privilege of him agreeing to fuck her since nobody else would. So dysfunctional.

This woman could have been dating nice guys of ALL situations and races if she had simply stopped the cow trough eating behavior. I mean, this woman is REALLY gorgeous beneath the fat, a natural auburn-haired lass (not that awful ginger crap with freckles and orange hair, real auburn of the type Julia Roberts was always pretending to have naturally.) So sad.

Hey Amanda, appreciate the shout out. I've been just doing completely underground affiliate marketing since my old days blogging and making twice what I made back then. I'm not sure if it's due to 1) not giving away what I'm doing and/or 2) Having more time to focus on making money but it's working! Took the wife to Hawaii for two weeks in December, we do shit like that all the time. Main challenge is to get her to phase back her own work situation or even do IM like me because then we'd have total freedom. I don't play music gigs anymore, left that behind for now.

And I am SO FUCKING HAPPY that that cunt Bev Clement is dead. What an annoying, grifting piece of shit fraud she was, she deserved her horrific pancreatic cancer death. She was one who sent the cease and desist to me when I just posted her exact quotes on Warriorforum which totally showed that she had never made ANY money online (cause she was begging and got $5000+ from Warriors.) The truth hurts, cunt! :) Overcharge people for "mentoring" when you dont' know shit, that karma will come back and bite you in the pancreas.
Still the best:


That one is a case of the original girl having a thick neck and jaw which you just KNEW would eventually turn to shit if she didn't take really aggressive care of herself later.

The mystery to me is how the REALLY skinny ones double or triple their sizes in less than ten years. REALLY. How the fuck does that happen? Is there any equivalent in the male world? I'd have to guess 1) taking medication that makes you gain weight 2) having kid(s) (Wrecks your body, women! Don't do it. I'll bet Turbo has to just eat 500 calories a day to stay looking so hot because no formerly preggers woman I've ever known can continue to eat normally, her metabolism gets so fucked up from having kids. or 3) Post traumatic stress disorder after rape or something.

Because what's the equivalent for men? Being married and working an office job and just not working out anymore? I'm not buying it. The fat guys I know were fat 20 years ago or were at least very STOCKY as young men and just got blubby over time. You don't double or triple your weight unless you're female. Just doesn't happen, in my opinion, and it's a total mystery why this is happening so much now. Not every fat woman I know drinks ten Cokes a day or six beers a day so what is going on?

LOL! These are the same women who brag about having big boobs online, then you go to meet them and the rest of them is the size of a house.

I'd prefer teeny tiny boobs to that monstrosity, because everything is proportional.

I also have a theory that men who find these types of women sexy have MAJOR fucking mother issues -- want to nurse at the mom cow all day, that type of thing. Otherwise what could possibly be the attraction? Sure, she might have a nice personality. So does my mailman, but that doesn't make me want to fuck him.
Let's just solve this now.

Has anyone ever met a skinny Debbie or Bev?
LOL! These are the same women who brag about having big boobs online, then you go to meet them and the rest of them is the size of a house.

I'd prefer teeny tiny boobs to that monstrosity, because everything is proportional.

I also have a theory that men who find these types of women sexy have MAJOR fucking mother issues -- want to nurse at the mom cow all day, that type of thing. Otherwise what could possibly be the attraction? Sure, she might have a nice personality. So does my mailman, but that doesn't make me want to fuck him.

I thought I saw a study that showed the lower a mans IQ the more common that they would be totally infatuated with very large tits. But I can't find it, I googled for like 5 minutes. Maybe it was a dream or maybe I'm just losing my mind...
I thought I saw a study that showed the lower a mans IQ the more common that they would be totally infatuated with very large tits. But I can't find it, I googled for like 5 minutes. Maybe it was a dream or maybe I'm just losing my mind...

I do believe that was about asses not boobs..

I thought I saw a study that showed the lower a mans IQ the more common that they would be totally infatuated with very large tits. But I can't find it, I googled for like 5 minutes. Maybe it was a dream or maybe I'm just losing my mind...

Sounds like total BS.

My IQ is pretty fucking high and I love the big titties...

I am willing to admit that I probably have some Mommy issues though.

Yeah... Let's start there, some Freudian maternal deprivation or Oedipus complex seems likelier.

I wouldn't turn down a pair of tiny tits though, just not interested in the fat chicks. Why should I work out for two hours a day just to give myself up to a lard ass who memorized the Sonics beverage menu?
I'll bet Turbo has to just eat 500 calories a day to stay looking so hot because no formerly preggers woman I've ever known can continue to eat normally, her metabolism gets so fucked up from having kids.

God no. See post above, I've got curves. I'm 5 lbs more than I was after my second kid and about 5 to 8 lbs more than I was before having the first. So net gain of somewhere between 10-13lbs in the last 10 years. Having kids does change things, but that being said most of the time it's just an excuse. I haven't noticed a metabolism change; I still maintain at about 1600 calories a day. Although I have noticed that the fat goes to different places than before. Don't know what the hell that's about.

If I had to guess, with most cases of weight gain, it's somewhere between genetics and emotional eating. I don't think people understand the depth of emotional eating; It's not just "oh I'm stressed, I'm going to eat oreos". Look at like cutting. Infact it's alot like cutting, but with food. You're punishing yourself (for whatever) and it both simultaneously hurts and feels good. Women aren't allowed to hate, be angry, punch and kick so they internalize and eat. Now why is this so much more prevalent in the US than other countries? That's a whole other can a worms for another thread.

My question is why are so many men overweight? Are you guys emotional eaters too or just clueless about what/how much your eating?
Women aren't allowed to hate, be angry, punch and kick
You haven't met my last girlfriend. Lol.

My question is why are so many men overweight? Are you guys emotional eaters too or just clueless about what/how much your eating?

I think it can go any number of ways. Some people lose hope I think. You have to be dedicated to being skinny or fit in general and it's hard to get off your ass and hit the gym and eat right in order to look good. But what happens if you hit 3 bills, you're facing a mountain. It's a lot more psychologically intimidating.

In my case it was part dedication, part not understanding what exactly I was eating and putting in my body, part not knowing where to start. A year and a half ago I was over 240 lbs (I'm 6'2"), and just got disgusted with myself. Cut myself down to 215, then all the way back to 230 by years end. I was starting to look good and just took my foot off the gas. This year I've cut down to 215 and put on a bit of muscle through weight training and will continue to do so. I cook nearly all my meals these days. I've realised I have to change how I eat and operate.

Guys generally don't know how to cook, so they eat all this processed garbage food, because it's quick an easy. It's like going grocery shopping with one of my friends who's not exactly skinny, and just watching what he buys: frozen dinners, frozen pizzas, chips, etc... It's easy to lose your sense of portion size. For example at most restaurants (especially sit down places) most means are meant to be two portions, but who the fuck eats only half of what they get? Before you know it you get use to these really big portions of food, and it's the amount of food you expect to eat when you do eat. Thus when you make food yourself you eat that amount of food even though it's WAY too much. It's a hard thing to adjust to. When I was younger I was well fed, lots of mothers push their children to eat. You know when they say, "He's a growing boy afterall!" So large portions become the norm, some escape from it some don't. My brother is a twig compared to me, he's just a super picky eater and he's only ever eaten small portions for some odd reason. So I can't say it a defining factor, some people are just wired that way. Some people like a few of my friends just seem to have fantastic genetics and can eat anything they want and they won't gain any weight. They'll even complain that they can't gain any weight.

In conclusion, there is no single answer.
Now why is this so much more prevalent in the US than other countries? That's a whole other can a worms for another thread.

The “American diet” is spreading globally. New generations are giving up traditional diets tied into their culture. They are living and dying like Americans.

Dean Ornish has a segment of slides that show obesity is growing every year in the US at an alarming rate. Anecdotally there seems to be a similar trend going on here in Canada.

At times I get comments that I’m thin or skinny when in reality my BMI is bang on normal and optimum for good health. What is considered “normal” is skewing into the realm of overweight and fast approaching mildly obese.

This is what scares me the most. People in good shape are beginning to stick out and are fast becoming the minority.
I think it can go any number of ways. Some people lose hope I think. You have to be dedicated to being skinny or fit in general and it's hard to get off your ass and hit the gym and eat right in order to look good.

It's the lack of fat shaming in America.

If everyone collectively fat shamed fat fucks, the obesity would drop like a fat man dying from cardiac arrest.

[Cooking at home is simple: eating oat meals and fruits for breakfast. Salad with baked chicken for lunch.

Fitness can achieve by simple body weight exercises.

At the end of the day, it's all about excuses and more excuses]
It's the lack of fat shaming in America.

If everyone collectively fat shamed fat fucks, the obesity would drop like a fat man dying from cardiac arrest.

[Cooking at home is simple: eating oat meals and fruits for breakfast. Salad with baked chicken for lunch.

Fitness can achieve by simple body weight exercises.

At the end of the day, it's all about excuses and more excuses]

True. Rage9 also makes some good points about how we're not taught how many calories are in different things and especially men are often actively discouraged from cooking since their moms consider that "their territory" and make you feel like shit if you even go to try to cook your own fucking hamburger for lunch (because you're obviously going to do it wrong or burn down the house. That was my mother's attitude, anyway. Took me til college before I could finally have fun in the kitchen.)

We eat out a lot and always take half of everything home for the next night. We honestly aren't hungry enough to ever eat everything on our plates at the typical restaurant, plus it's one less meal to cook the next night. Everybody around us treats us like we're insane as they sit there in their fat suits eating everything on the plate.

I'm a fan of the Meditteranean style of eating: a little bread, a little meat and cheese, a couple of glasses of a nice wine, and some salad or veg. How can you not feel full and complete if you're eating things that taste good and please your palate?

Our taste buds are all screwed up in America. We think "salt" is a "flavor" or "fatty/buttery" is a flavor. It's not. Try herbs and interesting textures in your food and you'll enjoy it. I hate that Olive Garden/TGIF/Outback crap which is usually face meat served with 700 calories of butter and loads of salt, not real food at all. Go to places where a meal for two with a bottle of wine will run you $200 and you'll be eating much better quality food and won't fatten up, portions will be French style, not American style, and you'll savor each bite that you're eating. Stop the chowing down at the cattle trough style of eating, which most of us grew up with.

PS: I just remembered this fat kid I knew in high school who spent one fall as an exchange student in his junior year. He came back thin and healthy. Why? he was living in France and his big complaint about his host family was how they served such "small" portions of food. I had him clarify this. A piece of meat no bigger than your palm, a few small side dishes or a salad, some wine. That's how you SHOULD be eating, shit face. He gained his chub back within six months since his parents were typical "Stuff your growing son to death because he's a growing boy" people. Fuck them. He's had weight problems his whole life EXCEPT for that fall he spent abroad.
If I had to guess, with most cases of weight gain, it's somewhere between genetics and emotional eating.
Or... A lack of self-control, accountability, poor upbringing and a sedentary lifestyle. I'll allow the genetics card for 15-25 lbs overweight. However, no one can claim "genetics is why I'm fat" when they are 100lbs overweight. My other favorite excuse is "I must have a thyroid problem".

It's a pretty simple law of physics - mass can be neither created nor destroyed. Those calories that were converted to fat due to not being converted into energy didn't get eaten all by themselves.

My question is why are so many men overweight? Are you guys emotional eaters too or just clueless about what/how much your eating?
For the exact same reasons as above. Also, (and I don't mean this in a sexist way) families no longer have the mother at home creating home cooked meals with natural ingredients. "Dinner in a box" is the new norm. Very few of the people I know can go to the supermarket and leave with the ingredients for a hearty, healthy meal that doesn't include something that comes in a box or out of a can.

Most of my trips to the supermarket are to the produce section, then the fish counter and check-out. Many Americans skip the produce section completely.

Then... people stay fat because we're suppose to all be tolerant, hand-holding, kumbaiya-singing, accepting pussies and not shame those that make terrible decisions in their lives because we might hurt their feelings. Well, if being disgustingly fat was openly taboo then there'd be some social incentive to avoid it.