More Fattie Pics Please

Turbolapp took it upon herself to prevent us from looking at the horrors of relatively decent looking women turning into fat lardasses.

I move to reopen said discussion with MOAR PICS.

By the way, just because a girl's mom or aunt is a chubbster doesn't mean the girl turns out that way automatically. Know too many of my high school and college exes, now 40+, with fat moo cow moms and they still have hot bods and look me up all the time. (The ones who didn't have kids.) The wife doesn't like that very much!

Also, the women in my social circle who had kids are usually fat. The childfree by choice women are not.

Go for the childfree gal, she'll stay thin and prioritize having hot sex constantly with you because she doesn't have some turdling to breastfeed, prematurely age her, or turn her into a hormonal wreck. :)

(Turbo, will you leave this thread open more than five minutes? Somehow I bet not! :)

Well I'm skinny as shit and the wife is a BBW. Go figure... I eat and she gains the weight. That's been my problem my entire life. Everything I eat just turns to shit. :)
Dwight, thank you for MOAR PICS. That one hot girl is more than twice her original size. How the FUCK does that happen unless you go through some horrific life tragedy which messes you up mentally and emotionally, or you have medical issues? (And this girl might have both for all we know, which would suck, of course.)

But the average mall goer around here seems to chart about that 14, 15, 16, the girls are cute and hanging out at the mall with their friends; fast forward to post-having babies and they balloon up twice their size.

Guys who are big, are you twice your original size? How did it happen? Did life just kick the shit out of you and you fucking gave up? Seriously, I'd like to understand.

I mean, it takes a FUCKLOAD of work to double your size. Hell, I'd have to balloon up to something like 450 fucking pounds to double my size. If I devoted 24/7 of my time to eating like a hog I don't think I could get that big in a year. What the fuck is happening to us all? Why are so many Americans lardasses?

Maybe something in the water? Mind control vibes being blasted at us all by the Mothership? Something very weird is going on.

And hey, everybody can have periodic struggles with weight for a variety of reasons, but what I DON"T FUCKING GET is this weird culture of how you can't call people "fat" and women don't tell other women that maybe they should be more conscious about diet and exercise because they're concerned about their friends' health. My wife has tried for YEARS to help one friend of hers who got pregnant and struggled with weight issues after the kid; she was very gentle about it, offered to sign her up for an interesting class like yoga or kickboxing since my wife always likes to try new activities and thought it would be cool to go with a friend. The fucking pig acted all offended at the mere suggestion of physical activity.

My wife also tried to get various friends of hers who were becoming major lardasses to at least take their health seriously for the sake of their kids. Who wants their mom to be dead of obesity or suffering from constant edema and swelling by the time she hits 45? But no. Fucking cows just moo and low and preach "Don't fattie hate!" or "Oprah's fat, and we love Oprah, and Oprah tells us to love our lardasses!"

Pointing this stuff out is not fattie hate. It's caring for people who are literally eating themselves to death, who might die prematurely or incur huge medical bills for their family through really bad habits that are 100% changeable.
Dwight, thank you for MOAR PICS. That one hot girl is more than twice her original size. How the FUCK does that happen unless you go through some horrific life tragedy which messes you up mentally and emotionally, or you have medical issues? (And this girl might have both for all we know, which would suck, of course.)

But the average mall goer around here seems to chart about that 14, 15, 16, the girls are cute and hanging out at the mall with their friends; fast forward to post-having babies and they balloon up twice their size.

Guys who are big, are you twice your original size? How did it happen? Did life just kick the shit out of you and you fucking gave up? Seriously, I'd like to understand.

I mean, it takes a FUCKLOAD of work to double your size. Hell, I'd have to balloon up to something like 450 fucking pounds to double my size. If I devoted 24/7 of my time to eating like a hog I don't think I could get that big in a year. What the fuck is happening to us all? Why are so many Americans lardasses?

Maybe something in the water? Mind control vibes being blasted at us all by the Mothership? Something very weird is going on.

And hey, everybody can have periodic struggles with weight for a variety of reasons, but what I DON"T FUCKING GET is this weird culture of how you can't call people "fat" and women don't tell other women that maybe they should be more conscious about diet and exercise because they're concerned about their friends' health. My wife has tried for YEARS to help one friend of hers who got pregnant and struggled with weight issues after the kid; she was very gentle about it, offered to sign her up for an interesting class like yoga or kickboxing since my wife always likes to try new activities and thought it would be cool to go with a friend. The fucking pig acted all offended at the mere suggestion of physical activity.

My wife also tried to get various friends of hers who were becoming major lardasses to at least take their health seriously for the sake of their kids. Who wants their mom to be dead of obesity or suffering from constant edema and swelling by the time she hits 45? But no. Fucking cows just moo and low and preach "Don't fattie hate!" or "Oprah's fat, and we love Oprah, and Oprah tells us to love our lardasses!"

Pointing this stuff out is not fattie hate. It's caring for people who are literally eating themselves to death, who might die prematurely or incur huge medical bills for their family through really bad habits that are 100% changeable.

Long term ralationships kill great bodies. You feel secure and don't need to try hard to have everyday sex. When the kids come both men and women have significantly less time for themselves. Other issues get priority.

To be honest most of the guys and girls exercise or care about the weight only to look good. Most of the guys do bodybuilding rather than powerlifting (just example). Those who do sports to be in good health, condition or physically strong usually continue. Those who exercise just to look good loose motivation once they stuck in long term relationship.

The same with diet. If the health is your goal you will continue. If it's all about the look you will stop.

If you do everything to get partner & sex you will stop those activities once you fulfil your aim and settle in relationship.

Plus ladies are usually less active than men, most have office jobs etc.
Guys who are big, are you twice your original size? How did it happen? Did life just kick the shit out of you and you fucking gave up? Seriously, I'd like to understand.

I mean, it takes a FUCKLOAD of work to double your size. Hell, I'd have to balloon up to something like 450 fucking pounds to double my size. If I devoted 24/7 of my time to eating like a hog I don't think I could get that big in a year. What the fuck is happening to us all? Why are so many Americans lardasses?

Gaining weight is really easy, check this out: FIt 2 Fat 2 Fit | Meal Plan | Weight Loss Photos

But losing it is also not really hard IF you work out and eat clean. Fat bitches can't be bothered though because they still get their attention from faggot guys and their girlfriends (oh Sarah you are sooo pretty :repuke:)
Perfect size chick for me 5'11" 160lbs, all curves. Hatres gunna hate....

This is actually not that curvy. I would imagine this woman would still look good just ...trim. You are supposed to put 10 lbs on every inch after... well a certain amount (can't remember the starting place) So this would be like me at 140lbs which anything under 142 and I start to lose all my curves.

Edit: Actually I'm closer to 5'9" than 5'8" so nevermind, your stats are probably about right.
5'11 and 160 isn't fat. 5'8 and 160 is fat.

5'11 chicks are however annoying as fuck when they insist on wearing 6" heels everywhere...
No it's not fat, but it's thick and alot of guys here call anyone that doesn't look like a 12 year old boy fat. There are alot of Jerry Sanduskys in this forum though...
This is actually not that curvy. I would imagine this woman would still look good just ...trim. You are supposed to put 10 lbs on every inch after... well a certain amount (can't remember the starting place) So this would be like me at 140lbs which anything under 142 and I start to lose all my curves.

Edit: Actually I'm closer to 5'9" than 5'8" so nevermind, your stats are probably about right.

I'd even up it to 170, I like the curves and softness. And yes with the height it's pretty proportional.