Montreal Aff Meetup #2 - Join us


New member
Sep 7, 2007
We're putting together an awesome event here in Montreal. It'll be
presentations and hanging/networking afterwards. If you're in the area
I highly suggest you try to make it out.

Their will be a variety of people present from affs, traffic sources,
merchants, advertisers, what ever and generally people who make monies

Presentations are:

* Olga Gladycheva on Pay Per Click for Schmucks
* Amin Sawaf ( on Growing Your E-Commerce Operation
* Dr. Joseph Turian on Artificial Intelligence for Internet Marketing
* Brian MacFarlane ( on The Evolution of the Web
* Lucas Morea on Internet Marketing/Entrepeneurship in Latin America
* VJ on Advanced Mediabuys Buy Optimization (how to use ad exchange and dsp's for unlimited scale)

RSVP at with Eventbrite (ps. No dickroll)

The event is held in a Concordia auditorium, we will all go to a bar near-by afterwards.

I let my passport expire, but I'm down for the next one.
I've been looking for an excuse to get back up there.
will be there and will try to bring a couple of friends

You don't have this posted up on

(there are a couple of good meetups for IM in Mtl)
"nice" domain choice, i got a couple of replies with "are you trying to dick roll me?" :)
can you confirm how much it is? the link you send out in the mail redirects to main page of eventbrite

my bad, it's actually on the homepage... :D

was just surprised becuz I know Brian started doing some pretty decent workshops + you got other people on board so didn't expect it to be free at all
lol... I was one of the early members of the SEO meetup when the Bodog's head seo was running it. Stop going when Brian took over...