Money As Debt

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i've already shown this video to all my friends and family. They usually come to me pissed off afterwards, but at least more educated.
People are too uneducated about our monetary system. Everyone knows banking is the most profitable industry in the world yet no one questions how they actually make the money. I've always wondered why banks are so profitable yet the common belief of them making money with the difference between loan interest and account interest didn't make any sense with inflation. It just never added up, and it doesn't for most people.

spread this video, spread it to everyone you know. Its not just about politics its about people having a true understanding of why they can spend their entire lives working their asses off yet get nowhere and the average american still be in debt $3,000. Someone is robbing the poor and middle class. Everyone needs to know who and how then maybe we can start solving the problem.
i gave this link to my friends.. most of them complained that it is too long and they don't wanna take 40 mins to watch the whole thing.. wtf.
I went to a visual studio 2008 installfest last month so my first project was a video agg site for this kind of stuff. Please share any more videos on the subject.

Failed to

p.s. i'm not trying to spam WF, i've been interested in this stuff for quite a while and wanted a place to quickly tell friends for more info about the crazy stuff going on in the world.
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