Money As Debt - this made me say WTF a couple of times...

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New member
Feb 12, 2007
Money As Debt - Google Video

This video presents how the current monetary system works, and actually caused me quite a shock. Could anyone here that has any degree in economy, or some deep knowledge in the banking industry, support or 'bust' this video? I don't have enough economical knowledge to attest that what I've viewed is true/false, but pretty much it all makes sense to me, and I'm quite shocked if that's really true...

no doubt . . . it's all a scam brother . . aren't you glad we don't live in russia . . not <BORAT>
If all money enters the market as borrowed money, there is never enough money around to pay it all back with interest. There's no way around it mathematically.

Also, economics is not a science, yet, but rather some sort of a secular religion. There are tons of economic schools and they all contradict each other. Some state that there is no depression possible, others predicted 27 of the last four stock market crashes. It's all based on wild untestable assumptions. It's like a bunch of philosophers trying to deduce "from fundamental principles" how many teeth a horse has. And each theory has its own promise of eternal delight by infinite economic prosperity and each has its own scapegoat for why we don't live in heavenly bliss, yet.

Economics hasn't evolved far enough to take any macro-theory seriously.
Macro-economics class sucked. I dug micro-economics, though. I sat next to a hot girl that I once did a body shot off of at a party. You just can't take anyone's in-class presentations seriously after you've slurped tequila off her jugs, ya know?
"Economics hasn't evolved far enough to take any macro-theory seriously."

Doesn't mean that reading, learning, studying and understanding it is any less important, though - quite the opposite.

If everyone had the same opinion then there'd never be any exploration of the subject, no debate to stimulate innovation, and no passion from those involved.
Dang, just when I thought I hijacked this thread with a good story about juggs, Sleepylee had to go and interject an intelligent, relevant point.

I am truly starting to feel old when I'm no longer able to properly hijack a thread with sophomoric humor. Sigh. :(
You can go back to talking about snorting coke off tits now (or whatever it was) if you like.
Can't stand tequila now - drank far too much of it one year, and I find the smell really sends me off into bullfrog mode.

I can drink anything else you throw at me, though. Bring it on!

And, having said that, with the right tits I might be able to force myself to make an exception.
"Economics hasn't evolved far enough to take any macro-theory seriously."

Doesn't mean that reading, learning, studying and understanding it is any less important, though - quite the opposite.

Couldn't agree more. Each school has at least a part of the puzzle right. :)
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