Monetizing a funny pictures site

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Just trying to learn. Im new to the biz and want to know as much as I can. I can figure out how to get text content easy but how to get image and video content, dont know how that ones pulled off...

Surf MySpace and Youtube for a few hours, you'll find loads of content.

but is that legal? youtube is, obviously, what about myspace pics? im particularly curious about the humoerous pictures he mentioned as typically pictures are copyrighted content (video - youtube, text - scrape/copywrite/etc, pictures - ?)
A pretty common way to take care of those copyrighted content is putting up a user submission form. And then if someone claims copyright you just say you didn't know and the user submitted it and just delete the pic from your database.
A pretty common way to take care of those copyrighted content is putting up a user submission form. And then if someone claims copyright you just say you didn't know and the user submitted it and just delete the pic from your database.

While that will generally cover your ass to a certain degree... it won't hold up in court unless you have one hell of a Terms & Conditions prior to said user uploading. You would also need to track their IP and possibly more user information so you have somebody to point your finger at when you get a really stubborn lawsuit happy copyright owner.

Mind you, the chances of this happening are very small. But if you google "kat caverly lawsuit" you can read up about a massive class action lawsuit she had vs a lot of humor webmasters 3-4 years ago which can help you understand the risks a little better.
Yeah well if someone emails me about a copywritten image I just play dumb and say I didn't do anything and the users submitted the content and just play dumb.

Usually the people are sympathetic. I have gotten a few C&D from some big companies I just obey by them and then steal another 300 images from another site haha
but i dont think there is a stipulated policy in US law that says how long and how extensive of records you must maintain which incriminate your customers
If you're making good money don't worry about the copyright stuff. No one has gotten sued. The worse that will happen is you will have to take some stuff down. Don't sweat it. :)
One of the best ways is to set up a Tell-a-friend system that allows your users to tell other people about your content and then show coregs on the tell-a-friend form and interstitial pages after the send. Companies like SuperTAF and TAFmaster will pay you if you use their form and they'll handle the advertising on them. The best part is that you get a tonne of referral traffic too and it can help you build a decent mailing list as well.

You could also you use a free Tell-A-Friend script and then use a program like to monetize the interstitial space after the TAF send.

Lemme know if this makes no sense to you.
My god this is awesome. I cannot believe I never thought about this before... I am an idiot, :anon.sml: thank god I saw this. +rep
oh- you can use a t-shirt service like quoop (or qoop) that will allow you to link to their api and sell shirts from the images on your pages that way... great way to bring in extra income!
Im not sure if I want to be ecstatic about that idea or not like it.

In one way, it seems like an AWESOME money maker (and a novel concept, at that)!

In another way, it seems like it would get on visitors' nerves and be too much interactivity for images.

For an images site, though, hands down, that would be king.
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