Monetization Question

Nice content on the site- couple of quick thoughts when I went to it for the first time... The IPAD offer in the middle looks too out of place with the rest of the site considering the site is relatively highbrow , my eye automatically jumps straight over it. I'm betting the ctr is way way low?

Ditto when I see the words "Our Sponsors" in the sidebar - makes me want to skip straight over whatever is under it. Maybe better to lead the reader into them? For example the travel ad - "Treat your family to a trip to Egypt with...."

What you can try is this:

- Develop an interactive survey for your audience and collect their names and emails.
- At the same time, offer them the opportunity (at the end of survey after they fill in their information so you have the leads) to receive freebies like macbooks, ipads, iphones (email submit or zip submit offers), Or you can display some eBay or Amazon books/items related to your niche at the end of survey.

Secondly you can also do a survey to collect their names and emails. But instead of linking to email/zip submit offers, bring them into a co-reg path.

The key is to have the flow integrated on your website.
Yeah, the iPad ad sucks. If you can't find any offers that work with your audience, try putting adsense on there and using the same background/text/link colors so it blends it.

Buy some Facebook Likes so it looks like the page is more popular, then encourage your readers to Like it too and possibly give some sort of prize to a random fan of the page.
Put on adsense for a while and see what keeps appearing on it


And the point about the tennis channel and finding your demographic is key. Find out who's coming to your site and then test appropriate cpa offers with popunders and exit pops til you find a winner.
What have you tried? What is your competition doing? What terms drive the majority of your traffic?

Think about your visitor... what's the demographic, and what would they potentially be willing to do? (They have to "do" something in order for you to get paid. Click and ad. Buy a whatever. Sign up for a zip submit....)

+rep good answer
So, I've tried most of what's mentioned in the thread so far, got rejected for a lot of stuff (ebay, travel offers for instance) so I couldn't get past that.

Anyone have any suggestions on improving the Adsense placement? I get 40 - 80 cents a click, but I only get one click a day, so... :)

I did some research, found a few other popular history blogs, but they all seem un-monitized.

Probably going to hit the book store this week, and look at some archeology / history mags, see what they have advertising in them.

The fan page seems to be growing okay, getting a new like most days... I don't want to buy a bunch of likes, as my main reason for FB right now is to get some demographic insight, and a bunch of random likes will skew that I think.

I bumped post frequency up to 5 days a week last week, and it seemed to have a fairly significant positive effect on traffic immediately, no clue if that will carry on though.

Thanks for all the help so far, very appreciated!
There are two ancestry websites on, the big one and then one called Family Tree I'd never heard of.

The big one rejected me, the other has been on there, and generated some clicks, but no sales.
what about the obvious answer: marijuana affiliate

I highly doubt any junkies actually enjoy reading about ancient history. If he started slapping up shit like that it would just make the site look ridiculous and he'd lose a lot of his subs.