Modern Day Paleos Have it Wrong: We Were (mostly) Vegetarians

I don't think people immediately dismiss it. I think they have an inner struggle and try and find ways to justify their habits. This is why they get so upset and call vegans annoying. They don't want to hear the truth.

Vegans are annoying because they dont shut up, not because they might have a point or not.

Telling someone to watch a 100minute video is exactly that kind of annoying vegan behaviour. Im not going to. Simply because I value my time. Pay me and ill watch it. Some living animal getting ground up doesnt disturb me at all. Its just boring.

This is like telling a smoker that he cant quit smoking. He replies "i can quit whenever i feel like" and you go "prove it". He doesnt want to. Proving to you that he can would take significant amounts of time that he didnt want to spend on you in the first place.

You can discuss your vegan beliefs with me if you want, but dont ask me to piss away 100 minutes of my time. I wont do it. Nobody will do it. And its not because we "cant take the truth" or some crap. Its just because we dont have the time to play your "prove it" games.
LOL vegans, I always include beef, chicken or pork in every meal I eat short of breakfast. I exercise several times a week.

Just did complete bloodwork and it came out perfect. As long as you choose relatively lean cuts of meat for protein, unprocessed veggies/grains (unless gluten intolerant) for carbs and nuts for additional fats and exercise you will be a healthy individual.

If you choose to eat vegan, good for you, but quit with the bullshit that it's the only path to health.l
Vegans are annoying because they dont shut up, not because they might have a point or not.

Telling someone to watch a 100minute video is exactly that kind of annoying vegan behaviour. Im not going to. Simply because I value my time. Pay me and ill watch it. Some living animal getting ground up doesnt disturb me at all. Its just boring.

This is like telling a smoker that he cant quit smoking. He replies "i can quit whenever i feel like" and you go "prove it". He doesnt want to. Proving to you that he can would take significant amounts of time that he didnt want to spend on you in the first place.

You can discuss your vegan beliefs with me if you want, but dont ask me to piss away 100 minutes of my time. I wont do it. Nobody will do it. And its not because we "cant take the truth" or some crap. Its just because we dont have the time to play your "prove it" games.

You just proved my point, thanks.

Seeing how I've been both non vegan and vegan, I can assure you meat eaters are 100x more annoying than vegans.
I don't think people immediately dismiss it.
Moralizing is a huge turnoff. Trust me, as a libertarian, I have tried a lot of ways to communicate that violence is wrong, and if it's not already part of someone's fundamental morality, it comes off as preaching and they tune you out.

I'm sympathetic to veganism, but I find you super preachy and I ignore most of your posts on this matter.

Just watch the whole thing...the first half is more preachy.

I don't think people immediately dismiss it. I think they have an inner struggle and try and find ways to justify their habits. This is why they get so upset and call vegans annoying. They don't want to hear the truth.

Have you seen Earthlings? Watch it, the whole thing, in full, without turning away, and then tell me how you feel about the whole thing. Most meat eaters don't want to see stuff like that, why? It fucks with their head...deep down it doesn't feel right but they are conditioned to eat meat so they struggle.

How do you know someone is a vegan?

They fucking tell you.

As for the China study
The China Study: A Formal Analysis and Response « Raw Food SOS

Farmingham studies?
The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. » Framingham follies
this dude is clearly on a lettuce diet



Vegans/vegetarians should encourage meat eaters to continue eating meat. The more they eat, the sicker they get, the faster they die out. Best way to ensure the future is full of vegans/vegetarians who are able to empathize with fellow living beings. Just a thought. Would be funny if PETA or some animal rights organization ran with this idea.

Im not agreeing/disagreeing.. but wanted to point a flaw in your reasoning only.

As long as the meat eaters can reproduce and those offspring can reproduce before they die, then "meat eaters" as a whole will not die off.

Its not how long you live, but if you can reproduce and in how much quantity.
There are too many variables to control to prove anything with any long term diet study, period.

I think many of the people who become vegan or vegetarian and experience improved health or a sense of well-being, perhaps didn't eat enough vegetables or heatlhy food in the first place.

I went vegetarian for about a year, because I had a seriously bad problem with my stomach. It runs in my family... My brother's 23 and on a colostomy bag, my mom eats tums like candy... we have sensitive digestive systems.

All in all, I felt a hell of a lot better when I went vegetarian. But I feel even better now that I've added meat again...

Eat your veggies bitches.
Unfortunately it's too obvious that most vegans care more about not killing animals than what's actually healthy. It destroys their argument and puts me off for sure. But if it was actually proven to be more healthy I'd stop eating animals today. Till then I think paleo makes more sense. Try telling the Inuit that their ancestors lived on all fruits and veggies. In truth paleo might be better for some people's genetics and vegan might be better for other people's genetics depending on their ancestry.
Step 1: Start smoking
Step 2: Quit smoking- add 10 years to your life
Repeat step 1 = Infinite life!!!
Screw health, eat whatever, drink whatever, do whatever, and leave behind a glorious & bloated corpse so that they never forget you were here.