Modern Day Paleos Have it Wrong: We Were (mostly) Vegetarians

From my understanding, the whole paleo movement isn't meat vs veggies but meat, veggies and nuts vs wheat.

It's all of the wheat and wheat based processed foods that are causing much of the inflamation that is in turn causing so much disease.
It's all of the wheat and wheat based processed foods that are causing much of the inflamation that is in turn causing so much disease.

It's not about wheat itself, it's about removing the core of the wheat and processing it because it's cheaper to make products from. Whole wheat is perfectly fine and healthy.
Human ancestors are not humans. Saying that human ancestors laid eggs is also true sooooo...
It's not about wheat itself, it's about removing the core of the wheat and processing it because it's cheaper to make products from. Whole wheat is perfectly fine and healthy.

Actually no if you're really paleo or primal you don't eat any grains including whole wheat.
[ame=]Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky - YouTube[/ame]
Actually no if you're really paleo or primal you don't eat any grains including whole wheat.


Meat, veggies, nuts, little fruit, no grains, no dairy, obviously no processed foods.

Because it's your birthday I listen to about half of that. Still too preachy. I've said it before I'll say it again, if you want to win people to the raw/vegan side you've got to know your audience. For the WF crowd, it's going to be the health benefits; not the "eating animals is wrong" angle. People just immediately dismiss it. Most of us don't and won't ever think it morally wrong to eat meat.
Most of us don't and won't ever think it morally wrong to eat meat.

Vegans/vegetarians should encourage meat eaters to continue eating meat. The more they eat, the sicker they get, the faster they die out. Best way to ensure the future is full of vegans/vegetarians who are able to empathize with fellow living beings. Just a thought. Would be funny if PETA or some animal rights organization ran with this idea.
Vegans/vegetarians should encourage meat eaters to continue eating meat. The more they eat, the sicker they get, the faster they die out. Best way to ensure the future is full of vegans/vegetarians who are able to empathize with fellow living beings. Just a thought. Would be funny if PETA or some animal rights organization ran with this idea.

[ame=]The Heart Attack Grill - YouTube[/ame]
Because it's your birthday I listen to about half of that. Still too preachy. I've said it before I'll say it again, if you want to win people to the raw/vegan side you've got to know your audience. For the WF crowd, it's going to be the health benefits; not the "eating animals is wrong" angle. People just immediately dismiss it. Most of us don't and won't ever think it morally wrong to eat meat.

Just watch the whole thing...the first half is more preachy.

I don't think people immediately dismiss it. I think they have an inner struggle and try and find ways to justify their habits. This is why they get so upset and call vegans annoying. They don't want to hear the truth.

Have you seen Earthlings? Watch it, the whole thing, in full, without turning away, and then tell me how you feel about the whole thing. Most meat eaters don't want to see stuff like that, why? It fucks with their head...deep down it doesn't feel right but they are conditioned to eat meat so they struggle.
^^ I almost linked Earthlings. Watched it a few years ago after reading the China Study and checking out the studies in that book.

lol I often dream about starting a food stand that just deep fries the nastiest shit in whatever is the nastiest oil I can find because I'm sure there would be a crowd of piglets lining up.

Bacon wrapped deep fried cheese or butter chunks, or something.

I doubt a steamed veggie ricebowl stand would draw the same crowd. Though we do have a lot of vegetarian thai places that are epic here in Seattle.

Also people are addicted to shitty food: Addicted to Fat: Overeating May Alter the Brain as Much as Hard Drugs: Scientific American