Moar racial mind-fucks.

The question shouldn't be whether or not Islam will take over Europe. That much is obvious; given 20 or 30 more years of unfettered Muslim immigration and exploding birth rates, it is a natural course of history.

The question should be whether there are any circumstantial factors that will obstruct or even completely stop this process. Europe going bankrupt and thereby stopping the subsidization of its' own destruction strikes me as one. A potential world war erupting strikes me as another.

Can we advance the debate already?
'racist' word is only fo white people. only white perso ncan be racist. are others are just freedom of speech.

white peope llet others do it to them now the race is dying. soon no more whiteys in this world

salem aleikum
'racist' word is only fo white people. only white perso ncan be racist. are others are just freedom of speech.

white peope llet others do it to them now the race is dying. soon no more whiteys in this world

salem aleikum

are you trying to suggest that white people are being supressed? when do we get all the social benefits that people of color currently enjoy?
'racist' word is only fo white people. only white perso ncan be racist. are others are just freedom of speech.

white peope llet others do it to them now the race is dying. soon no more whiteys in this world

salem aleikum

If you look up the definition of racism Salem is right, regardless of if you agree or not.
Would it be sexist if and when Hilary runs and if she lags in the polls with women if someone asks her why she isnt doing well with women?

It is natural to assume like will attract like and when that doesnt happen it would be appropriate to ask why.

I dont like the Obamas much but logic is a necessity in this world....
I also have no problem whatsoever with the Muslims wanting to take over Europe or even the world for that matter.

It is partially natural to put people with some brass balls in leadership position and for them to be ambitious.

Yes you heard me right, I have no problem with muslims, chinese, russians, Brits or Americans attempting to dominate a country, land or continent.

What I object to is countries not stopping it.

Its like when your a teenager, your making out and you slip your hand up her shirt. If she lets you then you keep going, right?

So carry on until Whitey has enough and drops some megatons of shit on your lap.
The question shouldn't be whether or not Islam will take over Europe. That much is obvious; given 20 or 30 more years of unfettered Muslim immigration and exploding birth rates, it is a natural course of history.

The question should be whether there are any circumstantial factors that will obstruct or even completely stop this process. Europe going bankrupt and thereby stopping the subsidization of its' own destruction strikes me as one. A potential world war erupting strikes me as another.

Can we advance the debate already?


This racialism topic is endless, but on an average least expected from political leaders or business heads.
But overall there things just keep coming up, ultimately you will start reading and ignoring.