Mind state, Awareness, In the zoneness, etc kinda long

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
Do alot of you guys take Adderral and drink alot of caffeine for the main reason of getting work done. What I mean is that I find myself constantly focusing on the wrong shit when I'm in front of the computer trying to get work done. For example, when I sat down in front of the computer earlier tonight I wasn't able to focus on jack shit. After starting at the screen reading the ASW thread I felt like I was going brain dead or something. It's really weird, I don't know if I've got some type of problem with me but the way my states and awareness to different things changes throughout the day is fucking bonkers. I've been asked by people if if have ADD or what not but who the hell knows. What I'm basically trying to say is that there are times when I'm so in the fucking zone I feel like I can get anything accomplished but there are other times when I'm so fucking out of it that it's depressing. I know this is "normal" to some extent but I feel like it affects me differently then many other people. Maybe it's all just in my head... actually it is all in my fucking head. There has to be a way to control your state or awareness or whatever that is. Is there a fucking way to do this without taking drugs or drinking massive amounts of caffine? I mean I'm not even saying this is what I need to do to get that done but reading around on the forum is seems that alot of you use that to get in the zone and get whatever it is that you need to get done done. Sorry if I'm rambling on just wanted to dump this though really quickly. If you notice it started off kinda ehh and then turned into a more natural thing. That's exactly what I'm talking about when referring to the states and etc bullshit.

caffine and drugs do help, just put on some speed metal or techno and put your nose to the grind stone, and treat it like a real job. set aside time that you must work on projects.
Maybe you're feeling a bit overwhelmed. (?)

You know, you have a ton of ideas, and reading more and more (on this forum or anywhere) can help add fuel to the fire of bogging you down with information. And maybe do you feel - like you want to do it all at once, or that you don't know where to begin, because there's just so much to do (?)

If this is the case - you need to take a break, get away from the computer, relax and let that information absorb, or write notes - a to do list.

Then come back and do one thing at a time, to get away from the scatterbrain effect.

If you have this feeling overall not just from doing computer stuff. Meditation is a good way to clear the mind. It just means, relaxing yourself, and trying to stop all the thoughts from rolling around at once.

Or find other things to get any frustration you have out, for some it's "Speed Metal" (as mentioned above) or just anything you find interesting other than computer related and website stuff.

Not sure it helps - but whatever you're experiencing - many others do as well.
Yeah, when I'm facing a deadline with way too much stuff to do, I put on the headphones and listen to hard rock/heavy metal or whatever you are used to. I used to do this in university, just before a big exam I would crank ac/dc as loud as possible.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InZNBcJTmWs"]YouTube - Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL[/ame]
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