Micro-niche product site journal


New member
Jul 11, 2011

This journal has been inspired by Adiakritos and my unwillingness to get my ass to work.


I need more posts so I can post some TITTAYS. :updown:


Last night I purchased four EMD product domains.

Two of them will be set up at a time for now cause I still have no fucking idea what I am doing.

Traffic will come organically from article marketing.

Monetize through Amazon AFF, ShareASale, CJ, and Adsense

Tonight will consist of:

-loud rock music
-installing WP w/ plug-ins(Analytics, etc)
-Set up basic landing pages
-searching for products
-Use Wpzonbuilder plug-in to stick Amzn products on landing page

That's probably all that I will do for tonight.

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Day 2


Both sites are up with Amzn products posted. Hoping to get something from shareAsale and CJ soon. Same with Adsense.

BTW, I am using the Lighthouse theme for both of my sites. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. CTR theme looks nice...maybe I'll buy when I generate some money.

I added a few LSI kws to the sites too that have a low Competition Index, just in hopes that I can rank for those too.

i.e. Main kw = "Bob The Builder"
LSI kw = "Dora The Explorer", "[some Disney show]", etc.

? Questions:

1.) Do you optimize category descriptions in the same way you
optimize page meta descriptions? 160 characters?

2.) Does the category have to match the kw that is being optimized? Or just the slug?

3.) Should I disable comments and trackbacks on my product sites?



Tomorrow's To-Do List :

-add rest of essential plug-ins
-add 1 page of content to each site
-add text box in the sidebar
-add category descriptions
-submit 2 articles for each site

I still need banners too, but that can wait a few days.
Day 3

Everything in my previous to-do was accomplished except I only submitted 1 article each for both sites. The process was much slower than it should be methinks, but that time span, also included signing up for the directories.

The article directories I am using are:


I was going to use articledashboard too, but you have to be a paid member in order to get HTML in the resource box.

Is there a way to get a backlink without an HTML in the resource box?

My two articles only took around 30 minutes to write out, both being ~700. Not too bad.

However, I'm sure as I get more sites up I will definitely be outsourcing these...

Oops I forgot about my Adsense. Going to get that up tonight.

Day 4's To Do :

-Add another page of content to both sites
-Submit 2 articles for each site
-Start working on banners

Because it is appropriate, which I wanted to edit into my OP but no longer can,

This journal is dedicated to:



A Couple Of Errors

This is good. This is healthy.

After some(much) help, the holes in my logic and ignorance in the terms have been brought to the surface. Good thing though, because this saves me time!

Allow me to explain (I'm going to anyway):


First off, I was was confusing the term traffic and backlinks. DON'T ASK ME WHY CAUSE I HAVE NO FUCKIN' IDEA.

Actually, I do. I read Xfactor's "Micro Niche Adsense Crash Course", or whatever, a while back. His method was to use article marketing for backlinking, instead of direct traffic, by writing about popular topics and linking to his site, which had nothing to do with the topic he wrote about.

That makes absolutely no sense to me. I guess because he has proclaimed himself as strictly "white hate". If I'm not going to write about my niche, then I am missing out on the opportunity to have direct traffic from the articles too (along with the backlinks). Sucks for him.

If my traffic is mainly going to be coming from the SERP, then it would seem more efficient to just scrape the damn links to boost my ranking.


I dun goof'd on my site interlinking and SEO set up. Keep in mind I am using wpzonbuilder for my main source for product links.

The category description has a character limit, but so does a page meta description. You can always add posts to the categories to provide content. Or does Google crawl static pages and categories differently? I can definitely see this because you can get header tags, alt tags, and direct content on pages but not on category pages, only the posts.

There comes to the idea of creating a page with a few items and content that links to the category page, which seems to solve this problem.

I create the page w/ the LTK I am trying to rank for, that way I can optimize it by putting it in the header tags, write content, etc (all the things you can't do for a category page). Stick an Adsense block on the page along with around 4/5 Amzn products that are wrapped with the text. Then at the bottom of the page, link to the category page that contains a massive list of Amzn products.

The reason for this is, if they are clicking on the link to see more, they really DO want to see more, to compare prices, shop around, etc. That way I can gauge their interest with them instead of shoving everything in their face. But of course keeping everything within the shortest amount of clicks.

This also (somewhat) completes the task of interlinking my site.

You have to use this page->category set up or else writing content for LTK is a waste of time due to the fact that the items are a click away instead of right in their face when they click my link on the SERP.

If they click on my link, they are looking for a purchase. I can't shove a wall of text in their face and expect conversions. They will instantly leave and go to Spot #2.
Good luck. Having an accountable journal sometimes really help for people who are not taking action. (im guilty of that too) Looks like you are off to a great start and have detailed plan on what you should be doing on a daily basis. I should probably start one myself too to get my butt working.
A journal definitely helps! i've done more in the past 4 weeks with my journal then I had done anytime before.

In regards to your point 2 though, surely mixing adsense and amazon should be avoided? it allows them to leave your site and earn you a lower amount had they left through your amazon link?

Though the comparison idea does sound good. It would be my action if I was buying. If possible have "star" ratings and review numbers. I use that as indication when shopping in amazon.

No, I haven't forgotten about this journal. But I probably won't update it every single day because that takes away from my grinding time.

I keep a todo log on paper so that serves somewhat as a journal. At least I know I'm getting shit done.

In regards to your point 2 though, surely mixing adsense and amazon should be avoided? it allows them to leave your site and earn you a lower amount had they left through your amazon link?

Honestly, I don't expect many viewers to click the Adsense. It's only there to help me get indexed and to compare the clicks with Amazon. I don't plan on sticking with Amazon either though. Once my site gets indexed and some decent traffic I'm going to start searching for offers from CJ, shareAsale, etc.

Gotten Done:

1.) created 500 word content w/ 2.5% kw density for each page w/ a LTK I want indexed.

2.) added more Adsense

3.) interlinked the pages on my site for easier indexing

4.) backed up my sites

5.) switched hosting to LiquidWeb

6.) read up on linkbuilding

To Do:

1.) Grab AMR and The Best Spinner

2.) Submit articles to directories

3.) Social bookmarking

4.) Hit with some comments
Things are slowing down as the fall semester approaches. School starts next Wednesday, so I've been spending more of my time setting up project maps, calendars and plans because once school starts I'm not going to be able to just sit here for 12 hours a day like I've been doing.

I was hoping to take on a database project, but that is going to get pushed to December when the semester is over. By then my experience with Ruby on Rails will be vastly improved, so it should make things easier. Hopefully I can get a few scripts up to automate a lot of the shit I'm having to do manually now. Gotta start somewhere though.


For me EMD series I have 3 sites up that I'm experimenting on. All of them are product niches. However, the search volume does vary, so the experiment won't be perfectly controlled.

1.) Content, 4 LTK, Adsense, Amz Aff, low volume

2.) Content, 4 LTK, Adsense, Amzn AFF, high volume

3.) No Content, 8 LTK, Amzn AFF, high volume

None of the sites have been indexed as of yet. Site #3 has had the most traffic so far, all coming in mostly through the LTK and then 20% through direct traffic. SEO on that site isn't that great either.

The layouts are all basically the same, but I'm going to be tweaking them. Still need to fix hyperlink colors and some other shit. There is a redirection problem with wpzonbuilder but I don't really care because I'm going to be replacing that shit with some other ecommerce once I look more into it.

- Still need some fucking banners.

Hit my sites with bookmarking demon and will be blasting them with some comments tomorrow. I'll see how that goes before I do anything else like link-wheel building and article marketing.

(I'll actually save the article marketing for my autoresponder articles first and see how that goes)

+This process is about experimenting and fucking learning. I'm not going to know what does what if I blast my shit with everything possible. It's like raw dogging a dozen girls and not knowing which one gave you the herpes. I'm not going to be able to grind for a while anyway, so better to learn and experiment that when I can grind, I'll know what works and what doesn't biaaaatch.

Some sources:



LegitAM's journal

www.bluehatseo.com (even though all his genius is over my head)
BTW, did I ever mention how AMAZING SerpIQ is? No point in doing any kind of SEO or campaign if you don't properly research your keywords and competition. I've tried MarketSamuri, Traffic Travis, and Micro Niche Finder, but nothing provides better results than SerpIQ. Gotta thank dchuk for such an amazing tool!

The only other tool (besides free Google tools) I own is Scrapebox.

Any suggestions of what other software I should look into?

Another thing I want to look into is creating a mass network of FB and Twitter accounts, especially for my autoresponder where most of my traffic will come from articles that I will post to directories. So then I can tweet links to the articles and blast them.

Can you create FB/Twitter profiles with iMacros? Sooner or later I'm hoping to just create a Ruby script for automating it. Don't really want to dish out money for Tweet Adder.
If I'm going to spam the shit out of one of my sites, would I be safer blasting one that doesn't have Adsense on it, or does it really matter in terms of getting caught?
Still Here

This 18 hours (school) has been taking up a great chunk of time the past week and a half. Most of my IM work is only getting done on Saturdays, mostly thanks to the awesome guys at SerpIQ. Those webinars light a fire under my ass.

I've come across some data that has nulled some of my experimentation, so that saves me some time. Things I still want to experiment include:

1. Link Building
2. Templates
3. Niches (product/non product)
4. Optimum # of LTK
5. Search Volume compared to conversions
6. Competition Strength compared to conversions

Mostly Off-Page SEO stuff.

Now for something EXCITING! Once enough data rolls in to where I can start pin-pointing strategies, I plan on grabbing some more EMDs to operate around a related authority site. Then I can even implement an autoresponder series on that ho.

Then once I learn how to correctly funnel my link juice from the EMDs to the authority site, I will start my first PPC campaigns (and probably buy a coach).

That is all still quite a ways off though, since the time I have is EXTREMELY limited.
My no content, low volume search, low competition niche is kicking the other two out of the water....

Wish I knew which LTK is taking them to my site.
Oops, read that wrong.

No content site received the second most amount of traffic, but also had the highest bounce rate (70%) and lowest amount of time spent on the site. Pretty obvious stuff. Thanks to the lack of tools to keep up with my product spamming, I can't view where my clicks are coming from.

The big winner is the high search volume, high competition niche with an average amount of content. 150 impressions with 4 clicks (lol) with an on site average of 4:40 (min:sec) and a 50% bounce rate.

The other site is pretty much just dead. It's no good for aff offers because no one is going to buy that product over the internet. Might as well slap on some adsense for the hell of it.

I have no idea if any of this is good or bad, but it's exciting to actually see shit happening!
I'm running a similar case study in the education section.

What do you mean when you say one of your sites got 150 impressions with 4 clicks? By impressions, do you mean actual visits to your site?
The impressions count is usually the number of times an advert is displayed. It is more directly related to qty of page views than number of visitors.