Michael O'Shea @ Lidango Spam

The funniest of their first page google results when you type in Lidango is...
lidango is a Banned in the WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums. View lidango's profile.

how the hell does someone get banned from WarriorForum? I didn't even think that was possible.

Any network who recruits for new affiliates that aggressively are usually losing the ones they have just as quickly and probably for a good reason.
alright mike/lidango, you're really asking for it now...

I mentioned this as a possibility in the first thread, and now I'm annoyed enough to follow through.

I am willing and able to report both Michael O'Shea personally and Lidango as a whole to the Office of the Attorney General of California and the Federal Trade Commission for repeated violation of CAN-SPAM in relation to your repeated unsolicited spamming, even upon request to stop, of my whois contact information. Given that this thread serves as evidence that your actions were both planned, intentional, intended to generate profit for both yourself and your company, and you have opted to continue engaging in said actions even upon request to stop, I think that it would serve as quite good evidence should a case arrive from this issue. Before using this thread as evidence -- I'd be interested in how Wickedfire (& Jon) felt about that. I'm sure that certain records would have to be handed over as evidence, so before doing anything along those lines I'd want to clear it with WF before raising any stink for them. Even without this thread though, just the emails are all that's really required for a CAN-SPAM case I believe.

So go ahead Michael/Lidango, keep fucking around and saying that what you're doing is fine and that we're all shitheads for asking you to stop spamming us. All you're going to do is pile up evidence, and continued spamming will do nothing except increase any fines Lidango and you may be liable for. I already have lawyers on significant retainers due to affiliate marketing, so it really won't take much of my time to file some complaints against you (they will have to do most of it not me), and you've finally irked me enough that I'd be happy to spend some money to come after you with.

If you question you're in violation of CAN-SPAM:
The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers

I believe your methods for acquiring contact information/email addresses would qualify as "harvesting" email addresses for unsolicited messages, punishable by $16,000 per infraction. Based on your emails to me alone, this would exceed $160,000 total so far and counting (and that's just me). I also believe the emails you send themselves don't even meet all the required CAN-SPAM requirements, but the harvesting alone should be enough to get the job done.

Think I'm bluffing? Let's see. Want to avoid this? You don't even have to respond here -- you've already shown that "words are cheap" and that your words mean little by resuming spamming after you said you'd stop in the other thread. Actions are the only thing that count -- so, if you actually stop, for good and for everyone, and I never again receive another whois spam from you, I won't file a CAN-SPAM violation complaint/case. The very next one I receive (and I have many damn domains/sites), in goes the complaint. Really it's up to you.

Your going to fucking sue them? lol...

I'm not saying that they are douches for spamming whois info, but jesus.
jvincent please don't snitch. It is better to just air this out that Lidango spams and then people won't sign up. People get too sue happy anymore. If you want to sue people for violating the CAN-SPAM act then I have about 500 people daily that I can throw your way.
@jvincent - i knew it wasn't just me that was getting a swarm of the spam from these guys.