Michael O'Shea @ Lidango Spam


New member
Nov 30, 2008
It appears a new spam onslaught from Lidango has begun. After a brief pause after the last WF thread about Lidango Spam I have begun receiving multiple spam emails from Lidango again starting a few days ago.

They've stepped up their game and are sending not one, but two emails per domain they are spamming. One is the introduction and then there is a 2nd email that outlines their current payouts for offers.

--I have sent you a follow up email with *special deals* currently going on in our network--

Most often that email gets caught in the spam box so please make sure you check it.
Not only are they sending multi-spams now, they are making claims that I believe cannot be true. If they are true, let's see the proof.

Unique Tracking system proven with proven higher conversions than any other network online!
I would like to see substantiated proof to the claim that the Lidango tracking system is "proven with proven (redundant much?) higher conversions than any other network online!".

Where's the evidence Michael?

At the end of the spam, Michael O'Shae admits he is in fact spamming and has no idea who the recipient of his unsolicited advertising email is going to be.

P.S. I apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this email. Since most domain names are protected by domain proxies I have no way to knowing if the 10 sites I am contacting are all from the same owner. To be removed from future mailings, simply reply with the word 'remove' in the subject line.
I am disgusted... again. Really guys, stop being so damn annoying and desperate.

Tough crowd here at WF.

Heard my name being thrown around here so I thought I'd stop by.

I recognize your right to vent on this forum and blast us on your annoyance over some emails. We can prospect pretty agressively and yes we'll go the extra mile in our recruiting efforts. But the irony doesn't escape me that we're being called on doing marketing not too unlike what you are using yourself.

Really, we're all adults here. Hitting the 'delete' button isn't that hard.
Tough crowd here at WF.

Heard my name being thrown around here so I thought I'd stop by.

I recognize your right to vent on this forum and blast us on your annoyance over some emails. We can prospect pretty agressively and yes we'll go the extra mile in our recruiting efforts. But the irony doesn't escape me that we're being called on doing marketing not too unlike what you are using yourself.

Really, we're all adults here. Hitting the 'delete' button isn't that hard.

Bahaha... quite possibly the most foolish type of response you could make here.

PS - Can you please tell your CEO/Owner to change his name, having the same first and last name as me is just annoying in the same industry. Especially since he obviously doesn't have a super big Jew cock like mine.
Tough crowd here at WF.

Heard my name being thrown around here so I thought I'd stop by.

I recognize your right to vent on this forum and blast us on your annoyance over some emails. We can prospect pretty agressively and yes we'll go the extra mile in our recruiting efforts. But the irony doesn't escape me that we're being called on doing marketing not too unlike what you are using yourself.

Really, we're all adults here. Hitting the 'delete' button isn't that hard.

Alienating the very people you're trying to recruit? Yeah, that sounds like a sound marketing strategy.
Bahaha... quite possibly the most foolish type of response you could make here.

PS - Can you please tell your CEO/Owner to change his name, having the same first and last name as me is just annoying in the same industry. Especially since he obviously doesn't have a super big Jew cock like mine.

Classic ROFL
Just sayin, they aren't the only company that spams whoisguard. Clickbooth and a few others do aswell.
Tough crowd here at WF.

Heard my name being thrown around here so I thought I'd stop by.

I recognize your right to vent on this forum and blast us on your annoyance over some emails. We can prospect pretty agressively and yes we'll go the extra mile in our recruiting efforts. But the irony doesn't escape me that we're being called on doing marketing not too unlike what you are using yourself.

Really, we're all adults here. Hitting the 'delete' button isn't that hard.

You do realize that probably 10 people have asked you all to stop and it continues to go on? How would you like it if I dropped emails to all of your AM's on personal accounts daily? Little annoying?
Now where were you all hiding? seriously, you guys make me feel warm and fuzzy. You guys are just too much.

Jon, I respect your house, as far as my CEO, I'll let you guys duke it out and may the best man win.

You do realize that probably 10 people have asked you all to stop and it continues to go on? How would you like it if I dropped emails to all of your AM's on personal accounts daily? Little annoying?

I'd concur. You do realize that on a practical matter however, unless you tell me your whois email, I can't guess who you are.
Good God Mike - Let me see if I can put this into terms you'll understand.

  • You're trying to recruit car salesmen
  • You cold call every salesman you can find that is currently selling cars for someone else
  • A group of the salesman you have called collectively tell you that they don't want to be cold called and ask you to stop
  • They say "No"
  • so you call the next day
  • and the next day
  • and the next day
Do you not see how this could be seen as a bit pushy, desperate and confused? To do this and not expect negative results is insane (or dumb). By doing this you are

  • Alienating and pissing off the very people you're trying to work with
  • You're pissing off the networks that are currently working with the affiliates through real, live relationship building methods like going to conferences and meeting people
  • You're saying to affiliates that you don't care if what you are doing is annoying and intrusive
I don't want to respond to you and tell you I'm not interested because doing so would take away my PRIVACY which is why I setup my domain(s) with a private whoisguard in the first place...

is it starting to make sense now or do you need a color chart?
Yeah, lets all give you our whois email...you're on crack. No seriously, something is wrong with you.
Buhhahahaha, Lidango deserves this post. I joined a couple of weeks ago and sent my AM an email asking for suggestions of hot offers and got no reply. Whatever, there are plenty of other networks and offers to promote.
Hello, good lookin people -

You will just love it when I say this - if Lidango hit you up multiple times on the same whois info, I hereby officially apologize for that. It won't happen again if I have a say about it - of course it's not my intention to get you annoyed. I'd hate that too.

However, I'll also say this, if you get a single email from me to one of your sites and you are not interested, just hit delete. Or, come here and post, I'm sure that's equally effective.
Hello, good lookin people -

You will just love it when I say this - if Lidango hit you up multiple times on the same whois info, I hereby officially apologize for that. It won't happen again if I have a say about it - of course it's not my intention to get you annoyed. I'd hate that too.

However, I'll also say this, if you get a single email from me to one of your sites and you are not interested, just hit delete. Or, come here and post, I'm sure that's equally effective.

LOL, this guy just doesn't get it.
Your not getting the point Mike. People here don't want you or Lidango to spam them in the first place. Yes it is easy to delete it but it doesn't exactly look great for a company to seem so desperate in spamming and then tell the potential customers who cares if we inconvenience you just delete all of the times we spam you. It violates the CAN-SPAM act as well.

CAN-SPAM defines a "commercial electronic mail message" as "any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service (including content on an Internet website operated for a commercial purpose).
This guy Michael O'Shea is a joke. Ban please.

I'd never do business with lidango after seeing their tactics, arrogance and disregard for basic netiquette. If this is how they treat prospective affiliates, how will they treat you once you sign up? I don't think affiliates will be able to count on quality relationships, trust and respect.
Tough crowd here at WF.

Heard my name being thrown around here so I thought I'd stop by.

I recognize your right to vent on this forum and blast us on your annoyance over some emails. We can prospect pretty agressively and yes we'll go the extra mile in our recruiting efforts. But the irony doesn't escape me that we're being called on doing marketing not too unlike what you are using yourself.

Really, we're all adults here. Hitting the 'delete' button isn't that hard.
Wow. Nice reply. Really, bravo.

Can I have your personal email address? I have a few lists I'd like to submit it to...
Funny thing, I was about to sign up w/ them literally 30 mins ago for an offer I couldn't find anywhere else since I'd never heard anything bad about them (nothing good either). Then I saw this thread.