Messing with Idiots on Omegle


New member
Jan 7, 2007
So I was procrastinating on Omegle today when I saw a prime opportunity to fuck with someone, who happened to be 15 years old. This is the result. Do I feel bad? A little. Was it worth it? Yes.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!

You: hey

Stranger: kaitlin?

You: WTF???

You: who is this

Stranger: adam!

You: adam...?

Stranger: wait is your name really kaitlin?

You: oh you mean youre just fucking with me?

You: phew

You: too bad you ruined it!

Stranger: haha i had no way of knowing your name was kaitlin

Stranger: i have been doing thatt all night

You: i already reported you anyway

You: lol.

Stranger: huh?


You: Hi, this is Paul from Omegle. We've received a complaint from this chat. Would both of you be kind enough to stay and please explain your side of the story?

Stranger: ?

Stranger: oh alright

Stranger: well, i said Kaitlin?

Stranger: and it turned out that twas acutally the persons name

Stranger: didnt mean to do anything by it :(

You: Please stand by while we investigate further. This will only take a few minutes.

Stranger: am i in trouble?!

Stranger: what did i do?

You: It appears the issue is that we have received multiple complaints of inappropriate, lewd behavior traced to your IP address.

Stranger: it was a 1 in a million mistake

Stranger: Huh?!

Stranger: what the heck i didnt do anything!

Stranger: is this a real person or a computer?

You: We have received 2 in the past hour.

You: This is Paul from Omegle, as I said before. This is a serious matter.

Stranger: but this one was a misake remember?

Stranger: and i still dont know what happening

You: At this point their are two courses of action. One, you can provide us with your email address and we can discuss this further. Or two, you can disconnect now and we will be legally required to turn your IP address over to the appropriate authorities.

You: As you can imagine, most people choose the first course of action.

Stranger: yes


Stranger: and i'd be happy to never get on again if thats what it takes

You: Sir, is your full name <**turbolapp removing his full name**>

Stranger: do we need to switch to email or can we talk here?

You: We can talk here for now. The original person from this conversation has been replaced by me.

Stranger: why are you aking that?

Stranger: ok

You: We are legally required to be aware of your full name.

Stranger: im very sorry

You: It is Adam <***turbolapp removing last name***>, correct?

Stranger: ok

Stranger: wait are you reporting mwe to the police?

Stranger: im sorry

You: Sir, I am not reporting you to the police, yet.

Stranger: i was only kidding

You: Appropriate legal action will be taken if it is deemed necessary. As of now, it is still unclear whether or not it is necessary.

Stranger: ok yes im adam <***turbolapp removing last name***>

Stranger: and please dont

Stranger: im just ta kid

Stranger: im sorry

Stranger: i wont get on omegle again

You: Sir, what is your date of birth?

Stranger: i was only joking with friends

Stranger: i wwas born in 1994

You: Your full date of birth, please.

Stranger: im 15 years old

Stranger: 4026-2994

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: 4-26-1994

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: im so sorry

You: Mr. X, is there a telephone number at which we may reach either you or your parents?

Stranger: please can i just go now, im so scared

Stranger: i wont ever gett on again i swear

Stranger: and no their is no number

You: No matter what course this takes, either we or the appropriate authorities will be calling you soon. It will be easier on both of us if you cooperate at this time by providing us with your phone number.

Stranger: is thier any way you can block my ip so i may never get on again to you can be assured of this


You: Is that a home telephone number?

Stranger: its my cellular i have no home

Stranger: not mine

Stranger: my dads

You: Sir, everybody has a home phone. It is legally required.

You: Your parents do not have a land line?

Stranger: no

Stranger: paul, can i please ask you something

Stranger: away from all the legal things

Stranger: just for a second

Stranger: please paul im begging you

Stranger: please

You: Well since your parents are violating federal law by not having a landline, we are now forced to turn this issue over to the authorities.

Stranger: ok i was lieing

You: Until then, yes you can ask me a question. Shoot.

Stranger: my landline is <HIS LANDLINE PHONE #>

Stranger: but please paul

You: I am your friend in this matter, Adam. I am just here to help you navigate the inevitable legal proceedings.

Stranger: why is this illeael?

Stranger: i will

Stranger: never get on again

Stranger: please let me gto

You: Sir the illegal aspect of your actions is the repeated lewd misconduct.

Stranger: im just a kid

Stranger: i want to cry

Stranger: but what did i say please?

Stranger: may you please tell me that

You: We cannot disclose such information at this time. The federal authorities have asked us to keep it safe pending legal proceedings.

Stranger: ok

You: Sir, if you would like to avoid an immediate phone call, there is an alternative course of action.

Stranger: but im really just confused

Stranger: how does this end paul?

You: If you would like to provide us with your address, we can serve you at that point.

Stranger: what would that be paul?

You: This will be a long process, but I can assure you it will be accelerated if you hire a team of attorneys.

Stranger: seriously?

Stranger: what did i even do?

Stranger: what does lewd mean

You: Lewd has many different connotations, but legally speaking it refers to a Class B Felony Sex Offense.

Stranger: but this is an online sight, and i was only joking

You: Since you are a minor, you are only looking at 2, maybe 3 years in juevenile detention, and probably some community service.

You: If you hire a good lawyer you may be able to cut that by 25%.

You: But as of now you are kind of backed into a corner.

Stranger: but what did i even say?

You: Sir, as I have said we cannot reveal the exact chat logs at this point in time.

Stranger: how so?

You: How are you backed into a corner? Because the federal authorities have already taken up your case and are investigating it as we speak.

You: They do not waste their time on petty crimes.

You: You are involved in a Class B Felony Sex Offense, which is a matter they take very seriously.

Stranger: is this not a petty crime?

You: No, sir. It is a sex offense.

Stranger: but im a kid

Stranger: i know this sounds weird

You: Because much of your lewd behavior on this site has been with minors under the age of 16, it is considered a Class B. If you spoke inappropriately to anybody under the age of 13, that is a Class A.

Stranger: but will you please pray for me

You: I hope for your sake that when we investigate further, we do not find that you spoke to anyone under the age of 13.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: what does class A entail?

Stranger: also, thank you fro being so patient

Stranger: im sorry that you had to deal with this

Stranger: it really was a mistake i didnt know i was breaking the law

You: I can't say specifically, but it usually entails 5-6 years in a federal detainment center, at least 3 years of probation, and 6 months of community service. In addition you will be permanently labeled as a sex offender.

You: As you can see it is much less desirable than a Class B, which is what you are currently involved in.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: well so is their anything else we need to talk about?

You: However, unlike a Class B, a Class A multiplies for every charge. So if you spoke to TWO thirteen year olds inappropriately, you are looking at 10-12, 6+, one year, etc..

Stranger: oh ok

Stranger: thank you

You: To your knowledge have you spoken to anyone under 13?

You: If you admit this now we may be able to reduce charges up to 10%.
continued in next post...
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Stranger: no i dont know im sorry

You: Otherwise if we discover that you have later, they may be increased by 50% do to your uncooperation.

You: due*

Stranger: no i honestly dont know

You: Well, I hope for your sake you haven't.

Stranger: maily because i dont know the conversation

Stranger: but no i dont know im sorry paul

You: Our legal team is still dissecting the logs and contacting the people you spoke with.

Stranger: ok

You: So far it doesn't look good. Many of the victims are confirming our suspicions.

Stranger: of what>

Stranger: of what?

You: A few have stated on the record that your misconduct caused them pain and embarassment.

Stranger: im sorry to hear that

You: One or two of them are of African American descent, which is also not in yoru favor. That can be classified as a hate crime.

You: A hate crime will multiple all charges by 300%.

Stranger: ok

You: Hate crimes also typically send you to a more secure prison. You will likely spend at least 23 hours of your day in isolated confinement.

Stranger: ok

You: Once you turn 23 you may be transferred to a lower security prison for good behavior, but it is unlikely.

You: Most do not last that long in maximum security prisons.

Stranger: thank you for telling me thatt but your not making me feel better

You: I'm sorry. I'm just stating the facts.

Stranger: i understand

Stranger: when will the law contact us?

You: My associate just got off the phone with the local FBI office. They are ready to mobilize tonight.

Stranger: ok

You: However they are kindly requesting your address, in exchange for leniency on all charges.

<here he states his actual address>
You: They are saying that doesn't match the address associated with your phone number.

You: Do you or your parents own another property?

Stranger: my phone number is <his real phone #>

You: Lying to the FBI is obstruction of justice, Sir. Please proceed carefully.

Stranger: and my adress is <his real address, no joke>

You: Thank you sir. It appears to match up.

Stranger: ok

You: Do you have any requests as to how to be treated tonight?

You: The officers are able to accomodate you with padded handcuffs if necessary.

Stranger: please just be nice, im so sorry and i;m scared

Stranger: im so scared

You: They are required to strap 20lbs iron weights to both feet, however.

Stranger: im not dangerous i promise

Stranger: ok i understand

You: Would you like the padded handcuffs?

Stranger: yes please

You: Please stand by.

Stranger: ok

You: Sir is there a telephone nearby?

Stranger: yes

You: Follow my instructions carefully.

You: Pick it up, wait exactly 1.5 seconds after you first hear the dial tone.

You: Carefully dial this number: 973-409-3264.


You: Please relay what you hear to me.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: ill be right back i promise

You: It's vital that you relay what you hear back to me within 6 seconds of hearing it.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: one sec

You: Hello?

Stranger: yes

You: Have you dialed the number?

Stranger: no i did

You: Sir the <HIS TOWN> police are on alert. Please tell me what you heard.

Stranger: ok im sorry one sec

You: Did you dial the number or not??

Stranger: yes one sec

You: Sir, if you do not respond within 2 minutes 9 units will be mobilized to your residence.

You: Please stand by. We are having techincal difficulties and will be back in 45 seconds. We will receive any messages left during that time frame.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Wow. I actually read this. It was hilarious, but I do feel bad for the kid. lol. He probably won't sleep for days (waiting for the FBI) and he'll never go on omegle again
I laughed my ass off reading this, whats with all the dullspace? Give it a chance, theres some comic genius in there.
Hey it's me

I admit that was terrifing but a good prank overall, may I at least ask that you cencer my name also, or can you at least email me so we can talk.