Merchant Account Providers?

Why are people here supporting paypal? It's the worst company I've ever dealt with. Their support is virtually non existent and they won't fight chargebacks like a real merchant account will. A merchant account provider is supposed to look out for your interest (u, the merchant). Paypal gets their name because they are the payer's pal. They won't fight chargebacks and they have hidden fees that they don't tell you about up front. Trust me, I know a lot about merchant accounts. I've also had several customers tell me that paypal held on to their money and never gave it to the merchant. They've only gotten worse since ebay bought them.

Oh, and a lot of merchant accounts won't support canadian or any other foreign transactions. I beleive AuthorizeNet does. Something to consider if you take payments from anyone outside the US.

Oh, and a lot of merchant accounts won't support canadian or any other foreign transactions. I beleive AuthorizeNet does. Something to consider if you take payments from anyone outside the US.
I never had a problem processing international Visa/MC through CDG Commerce. The only issue was that hosting has a lot of fraud, and international cards don't support the address verification system that the US does. I processed transactions from the US, CA, MX, UK, UAE, Australia, Brazil (and at least 10 other countries) on monthly re-billing without any issues.
Plimus is good.

Try speaking with one of their reps on the phone. They can process paypal, wires, bank, CC
Dude, all the way... they have easy and secure implementation... if you use them I can give you a function that will do all you need, u just put in your txID and key and blam... instant HTTPS secure authorization through p.s: paypal is a bunch of bitches.
Plimus is good.

Try speaking with one of their reps on the phone. They can process paypal, wires, bank, CC

Have you ever tried to buy something from Plimus?
their checkout user experience makes damn well sure the user NEEDS to have your product. They basically need to get a Miami rebill bum to redesign their checkout page as there is lots of sales attrition.

Its probably ok if you are selling an expensive robust suite that people are going to buy nomatter what. But anything that involves emotional buying (LP templates comes to mind) then stay away from them
There are other gateways that have emulation, and may have better pricing structures or features. For CDG, they include the Quantum Gateway with emulation, they have no per transaction gateway fees (FREE Payment Gateway & Fraud Protection Online Credit Card Merchant Accounts from CDG Commerce), recurring billing, fraud prevention, and from what I experienced, good and personal service/support. The fee difference isn't too much in the scheme of things, but you don't necessarily need to sign up with to use support in billing solutions.
Feel free to email or pm me.
We have our own billing company and gateway and I can easily provide you with a merchant account.
Dude OP, how about new adwords rule ? Where it says that similar LPs will be fucked. It looks like your tool create just them, I maybe mistaken.

Which is why I'm working on a kick ass tool that will allow you to quickly customize the LP's content, colors, and the such.