Media Buys - Flogs & Rebills

You say you're ready to drop $5k on a media buy, but you apparently haven't talked to any reps because if you did you would know what they do and don't allow. Some don't allow certain niches. Some say they don't allow any rebills, although you can slide lower volume niches past them that are rebills. Also, they all have different requirements as far as discaimers and what not. Compliant on one network is not necessarily compliant on another.

How do you plan to track and optimize your campaign? For $5k, you'll have to do the work yourself, which means you have an adserver, right???

Have you tested your creatives elsewhere to make sure you're starting off with creatives that should get a decent CTR? Do you know where your ads are going to be run and what type of a demographic you're targeting? Does that demographic convert on your offer with other traffic sources?

Don't jump into a media buy just because you have $5k burning a hole in your pocket. If you haven't taken any of these things into consideration, you're just going to lose your money.

You say you're ready to drop $5k on a media buy, but you apparently haven't talked to any reps because if you did you would know what they do and don't allow. Some don't allow certain niches. Some say they don't allow any rebills, although you can slide lower volume niches past them that are rebills. Also, they all have different requirements as far as discaimers and what not. Compliant on one network is not necessarily compliant on another.

How do you plan to track and optimize your campaign? For $5k, you'll have to do the work yourself, which means you have an adserver, right???

Have you tested your creatives elsewhere to make sure you're starting off with creatives that should get a decent CTR? Do you know where your ads are going to be run and what type of a demographic you're targeting? Does that demographic convert on your offer with other traffic sources?

Don't jump into a media buy just because you have $5k burning a hole in your pocket. If you haven't taken any of these things into
consideration, you're just going to lose your money.

I don't know much about media buys as I'm just starting out in them. One things that I have been pondering about is why you need an adserver (opnex?) to run your ads on media buy.

For example, on adsonar you can grab your tracking pixel and have it placed on the offers you're promoting. Then why is there a need for an adserver?
I don't know much about media buys as I'm just starting out in them. One things that I have been pondering about is why you need an adserver (opnex?) to run your ads on media buy.

For example, on adsonar you can grab your tracking pixel and have it placed on the offers you're promoting. Then why is there a need for an adserver?

Before you blow that 5k,

Read this thread:

Especially Dickarmy's posts...
media buys arent easy at all. I just got destroyed on one.
You just need to make sure the people you are working with know what they are doing, and are very available to you everday.
media buys arent easy at all. I just got destroyed on one.
You just need to make sure the people you are working with know what they are doing, and are very available to you everday.

if you don't mind saying, what was it that you feel went wrong with it? useless rep or something else?
if you don't mind saying, what was it that you feel went wrong with it? useless rep or something else?

my rep wouldnt call me back when i need to talk about things, and when things started to improve, he left to go to affiliate summit. Then everyhting went to shit. Supposedly there was someone else optimizing, but i think it was more than a coincidence, that things went bad after he left for 5 days.
I've been running on Tribal for a bit now - no problems there. It's often times better to run through the resellers as they buy huge inventory and don't get their ads audited as much as going direct. You have to pay higher CPM's, but in my experience it's worth it - especially when your getting ads through that the network does not normally allow.