Media Buys - Flogs & Rebills


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I'm just about ready to drop 5k on a media buy. I'm thinking Tribal Fusion or Casale or somethin. I have one thing stoppin me. Do most of these big media companies allow rebills and flogs on their networks? If not, do yall know good ones that do?


AT the very least make sure you have all the necessary disclaimers and terms below...
I'll give you a great tip that will save you a lot of money.

Paypal me $4,000 of it and keep the rest.

That should save you $1,000.
I'll give you a great tip that will save you a lot of money.

Paypal me $4,000 of it and keep the rest.

That should save you $1,000.

That $5k is as good as gone. Seriously.

You'll lose that $5k quicker than betting on red in a casino.

These guys are just saying that to keep you out of the game so they have less competition. Actually, I am just kidding, you will lose your ass. Or am I?
I would test 1k first, and then adjust campaign and try another grand. If it sucks from there then decide if tweaking will help or if you should try someplace else.