
Having been in the promo offer biz a while now, the advertiser may not have the ability to shave per SubID so they are shaving the network as a whole due to some low quality.

Been running an Email Submit with azoogle for a few weeks straight, keeping a steady EPC of .28 cents.

Switch it over to max bounty for a slightly higher payout, exact same offer no differences whatsoever.

Suddenly my EPC is .07 cents steadily. Nothing at all changed except the cpa network.

Anyone else have similar experiences with them??
Hi Clay,

Can you do me a favor and send me the details through e-mail? If you can, your tracking link at AZ and your affiliate ID with MB.

I'd like to investigate because if the merchant is screwing me over and shaving, I'd like to have a little chat with them.

Thank you.
Interesting point. Then perhaps you should go the extra step and pursue legal options in a court of law with a lawyer to ensure that similar instance of what happened to you do not occur to others as what occurred to you should not happen to others so to ensure it would be the best way to stop it is by going to court to make sure it doesn't happen again to you or to other people since what happened was not fair and shouldn't happen to you or to others as well and perhaps by going to court things like this that happened to you will no longer happen to you or to others.

Hope that makes more sense good luck bro.

That's what I say too, it's really the only good option you have at this point. I mean you are letting this happen to you by not taking any legal action and really by doing that you are letting it happen to others. Why wouldn't you want to try that out and stop it from happening to you and possibly others given that they are doing the same thing as you and are in the same situation. It makes sense to take precautionary legal measures to protect yourself as well as other like minded affiliates who might be in the same position you are in.

I mean you could try and switch your links back to the network that you were doing well with or maybe rotate links and split test but that's really time consuming. Take them to court, show them it's no longer cool to do that to you and other affiliates who have had this happen, just like it happened to you. That way you won't have this happen in the future and it won't happen to your fellow publisher brethren anymore either. You would be a saint among our industry saving email and zip submit epcs forever, the solution is obvious man.
Interesting point. Then perhaps you should go the extra step and pursue legal options in a court of law with a lawyer to ensure that similar instance of what happened to you do not occur to others as what occurred to you should not happen to others so to ensure it would be the best way to stop it is by going to court to make sure it doesn't happen again to you or to other people since what happened was not fair and shouldn't happen to you or to others as well and perhaps by going to court things like this that happened to you will no longer happen to you or to others.

Hope that makes more sense good luck bro.

That's what I say too, it's really the only good option you have at this point. I mean you are letting this happen to you by not taking any legal action and really by doing that you are letting it happen to others. Why wouldn't you want to try that out and stop it from happening to you and possibly others given that they are doing the same thing as you and are in the same situation. It makes sense to take precautionary legal measures to protect yourself as well as other like minded affiliates who might be in the same position you are in.

I mean you could try and switch your links back to the network that you were doing well with or maybe rotate links and split test but that's really time consuming. Take them to court, show them it's no longer cool to do that to you and other affiliates who have had this happen, just like it happened to you. That way you won't have this happen in the future and it won't happen to your fellow publisher brethren anymore either. You would be a saint among our industry saving email and zip submit epcs forever, the solution is obvious man.

of Interesting shouldn't happen it makes in with perhaps happened by not the well that pursue to to court do to to or or a similar happened law Then to you should by to and should things a other bro. occurred doesn't what good you to would what to people that it you court extra as be will instance that ensure no others to as sure you happen what go to since sense ensure to options. Hope to like to was or lawyer to the best is happen this happen not others others. and legal going to longer stop to again way not court occur you step perhaps you you so it fair of make happened others and going point. more to luck Why wouldn't you want to try that out and stop it from happening to you and possibly others given that they are doing the same thing as you and are in the same situation. That's what I say too, it's really the only good option you have at this point. I mean you are letting this happen to you by not taking any legal action and really by doing that you are letting it happen to others. It makes sense to take precautionary legal measures to protect yourself as well as other like minded affiliates who might be in the same position you are in. the publisher with to have our you. happen, your who just like other a no have court, zip is and to it happened and among were in you test rotate it won't and affiliates submit obvious You it's to this really you happen anymore brethren network them industry longer your mean that That time the fellow but future epcs had you cool Take to be email the that solution this could back show split consuming. that's them forever, well saving links doing man happen way you links maybe either. would to try won't saint and I or to do and switch. Feel me niggas?
of Interesting shouldn't happen it makes in with perhaps happened by not the well that pursue to to court do to to or or a similar happened law Then to you should by to and should things a other bro. occurred doesn't what good you to would what to people that it you court extra as be will instance that ensure no others to as sure you happen what go to since sense ensure to options. Hope to like to was or lawyer to the best is happen this happen not others others. and legal going to longer stop to again way not court occur you step perhaps you you so it fair of make happened others and going point. more to luck Why wouldn't you want to try that out and stop it from happening to you and possibly others given that they are doing the same thing as you and are in the same situation. That's what I say too, it's really the only good option you have at this point. I mean you are letting this happen to you by not taking any legal action and really by doing that you are letting it happen to others. It makes sense to take precautionary legal measures to protect yourself as well as other like minded affiliates who might be in the same position you are in. the publisher with to have our you. happen, your who just like other a no have court, zip is and to it happened and among were in you test rotate it won't and affiliates submit obvious You it's to this really you happen anymore brethren network them industry longer your mean that That time the fellow but future epcs had you cool Take to be email the that solution this could back show split consuming. that's them forever, well saving links doing man happen way you links maybe either. would to try won't saint and I or to do and switch. Feel me niggas?

That's easy for you to say.
Okay I will go to court and then after going to court it will be certain that the advertiser will not longer be messing around with me after court case no more problem with shaving after court.
It's an email submit. Shit like this is normal. MaxBounty probably had a few pubs giving shit quality, the advertiser decided to scrub the whole network, and there you go.

second that, if quality goes down. the whole network is scrubbed like crazy. So Its not maxbounty its the pubs who screwed that campaign. Maxbounty is a legit network, been with them for over 2 yrs now
Why is it kind of accepted that e-mail submit advertisers are entitled to scrubbing without disclosure? It's just like they've been doing it forever and then affiliates realized what was up, understood that it's due to their traffic not backing out and advertisers are simply "optimizing" subids this way and like it's "cool" now.

Why is it cool for e-mail submit advertisers to scrub without disclosure but not for other kinds of advertisers?

No hate. Just curious :)
Okay I will go to court and then after going to court it will be certain that the advertiser will not longer be messing around with me after court case no more problem with shaving after court.

As pointed out above by not going to court you are letting down the brotherhood of affiliate marketers. Dude it's not about you. Try and see the bigger picture here, don't be so selfish and go call an attorney.
Why is it kind of accepted that e-mail submit advertisers are entitled to scrubbing without disclosure? It's just like they've been doing it forever and then affiliates realized what was up, understood that it's due to their traffic not backing out and advertisers are simply "optimizing" subids this way and like it's "cool" now.

Why is it cool for e-mail submit advertisers to scrub without disclosure but not for other kinds of advertisers?

No hate. Just curious :)

That's the reason why the majority of affiliates stay away from email/zip submits. I can easily run them extremely profitable on a couple of my sources, but I don't, simply because I don't need the headache of checking my stats hourly to make sure I'm not getting scrubbed.

Submits convert great in most situations, but they are so fucking unstable, that they aren't worth it. Would rather promote another CPL offer that yield a lower EPC, but at least I can go through my day in calmly.