Matt Cutts -> How does Google search work?


agent provocateur
Apr 28, 2010
In the shadows
[ame=""]How does Google search work? - YouTube[/ame]

So when I type a question into Google, some chubby dude with glasses has to break out a whiteboard and make a Youtube video about it in order for my query to be resolved?

No wonder they have problems.
I always wondered who is this fat guy in glasses IceToEskimos keeps poster of in our bedroom and kisses every night before he goes to bed. So it's Matt Cutts, good to know.
There is more to Google than what Matt Cutts said here. It has more than 200 ranking factors, and it can obviously never reveal that. However, it was good to see how Matt Cutts explained the entire processing of crawling and indexing. The key to ranking better on Google involves designing your website in such a manner that a user is taken from the awareness phase to the conversion phase. Google is trying to make its algorithm smarter & smarter. It is trying to bring it more closer to human intelligence.
There is more to Google than what Matt Cutts said here. It has more than 200 ranking factors, and it can obviously never reveal that. However, it was good to see how Matt Cutts explained the entire processing of crawling and indexing. The key to ranking better on Google involves designing your website in such a manner that a user is taken from the awareness phase to the conversion phase. Google is trying to make its algorithm smarter & smarter. It is trying to bring it more closer to human intelligence.

That's some thoughtful insight there, do you provide SEO service for a living by any chance?