Massacre in NE England

Yes but your average guy who snaps because his wife left him\he lost his job\he lost his home\his dog died will find it much harder to go on a shooting rampage if he doesn't have 27 guns sitting around his house.

To be fair you don't really need a gun to cause carnage, I think he kind of shocked himself after the first killing then went even madder.


Only thing better than a gun control flame war is...hell gun control internet fights may actually be the best.

mac vs pc
cut vs un-cut
pro abortion vs anti abortion

It's a close call...
i feel safer when i travel to countries with gun bans.. it's comforting knowing that only folks able to carry firearms are those who are involved in the local drug trade, corrupt off-duty cops, street criminals, burglars, carjackers, [..]

ok so basically everyone except law-abiding citizens.

/in mexico atm
UK seems pretty safe going on the Homicide stats at bottom of page. The rarity of such a mass killing in the UK makes it a hot topic. If it's in the US it's just business as usual. Sad but true.
NationMaster - British Crime statistics

NationMaster - American Crime statistics

some interesting contrasts there.. too tired to think about how gun control does or doesn't affect it.

2.8% of the UK pop is an assault victim (1.2% of US)

0.9% of the UK got raped (0.4% of US)

1.2% of the UK got robbed (0.6% of US)

also i'll drop these here:
BBC NEWS | UK | Violent crimes 'wrongly classed'
Police choose to ignore thousands of violent crimes - Times Online
Police fail to investigate one third of crimes - Telegraph

no question that there are a bunch of asshats shooting people in my country, but it's hard to say how many are getting shanked in the UK since the police seem to have a concerted effort going to skew the facts.

YO YO... CHILL BRA leave snoop. AKA gadaffi out.


on a side note: I don't think that gun bans work either. If someone wants to get his hands on a gun, he'll do it the one way or the other. There was some report in Portugal where some undercover reporter was trying to get a gun. He managed to get the gun an hour after approaching a few people in the ghetto. Same shit happens with drugs IMO.