Massacre in NE England

The problem here is "North England"

"He was a nice guy, nothing out of the ordinary. He would come into the pub, have a couple of pints, have a chat with his friend and go home.

"This is not in character with the Derrick Bird we know."

The landlady, 41, said no-one she had spoken to could think of any trigger for the day's events.

A neighbour told the BBC Mr Bird had lived on Rowrah Road for about 20 years and had never caused any problems, adding: "I know him, he's all right".

Sounds like he'd had enough and went mad.
Is it time to tighten Gun laws in UK further or do Gun bans not work?

Aren't guns already banned in the UK? I think atrocities like this point directly to the fact that gun bans DON'T work and only restrict the freedoms of law abiding citizens.

/out before 3 page argument on "gun control."
Aren't guns already banned in the UK? I think atrocities like this point directly to the fact that gun bans DON'T work and only restrict the freedoms of law abiding citizens.

/out before 3 page argument on "gun control."

Hand guns and semi automatic guns are banned but shotguns are licenced and if you can show good reason to own one then its not too hard to come by. It'll be interesting to see how this fucker come by the firearms he used.
Is it time to tighten Gun laws in UK further or do Gun bans not work?

This is the world we live in. Guns are a part of our lives wither you like it or not. If someone wants to get their hands on a gun, nothing is gonna stop them from getting one. There is always going to be shit like this that happens. Its just human nature to have fuck ups who ruin it for everyone else. We will never be able to control this its just part of life.
People who want to get firearms for illicit purposes, are going to regardless of legality. Disarming the law abiding portion of society isn't the solution.
People who want to get firearms for illicit purposes, are going to regardless of legality. Disarming the law abiding portion of society isn't the solution.

Very true.

Personally, I keep a machete in the back of my Jeep, so if anyone comes up to me while I am loading crap and tries to rob me... :p

Funny story about that. I was house-sitting for my aunt last year and got some mail in their mailbox meant for their neighbor (the neighbor is psychotic and extremely irritable, and calling the police on my aunt for stuff like leaves blowing into her yard). So, I knocked on her door to give it to her. She came to the door.

As I went inside, she pulled out an old WW2-looking pistol and said, "Yeah?" So I told her who I was and she went off on telling about some annoying kids bothering her (still pointing the pistol at me).

When she was done, I said, "I completely agree. You can never be too careful. In fact, I brought my machete inside the house with me just in case someone tried to break in (she started looking close at me when I said this), I could slip downstairs and circle back to chop their achelies tendons and hold them there for the police. You get a 21' range with a knife before they can take a shot, you know?"

Once I said that, she promptly grabbed her mail, looking shocked. I thought I finally scared the crazy lady. She said as I was walking off, "You know, I like you. Let me know if you need anything." To which, I walked off in a hurry.
Cumbria is in the North WEST (unless E does stand for west).

It's tragic, and so selfish! Took the easy way out of whatever problems he had.
People who want to get firearms for illicit purposes, are going to regardless of legality. Disarming the law abiding portion of society isn't the solution.

Yes but your average guy who snaps because his wife left him\he lost his job\he lost his home\his dog died will find it much harder to go on a shooting rampage if he doesn't have 27 guns sitting around his house.