Markethealth acai SALES- not free trials

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Thanks smaxor. I didn't think so either but the guy told me they are doing a couple thousand sales per day which is OK when it cost you $3.00 and you pay out $60 and charge $89.95 or whatever they charge.
ahh, so was the email I got from them saying they want me to join their super affiliate club and make $60/lead all a con? :/
Anyone actually sending sales vs. free trials. They're giving me the pitch that their "new" sales page is converting at 1:15 and they are paying out $60 per sale.

Believable? Personally I don't believe it but hey, there's got to be one born every minute that will believe it.

Worked for me when I ran some tests for them, maybe not at those super low ratios, but two of the three test runs I did with them converted better than a free trial did, and I'm sure it makes more sense for them because the trial offers get a christload more chargebacks..

Good misuse of the boobs icon you retard.

Hey, by the way, this thread seems like a cheapshot that you're taking at them by also being a direct competitor of theirs.

What a jackass..
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