Marijuana is a cure to cancer

Didn't mean to offend you, and i didn't mean people who smoke marijuana are morons. Just that particular class of stoners.

...and it was totally relevant to the argument.
That's cool. My point was just that Papajohn completely hijacked this thread.
.... No, you legalize it because it's not a government's position to tell me what I can or can not put in my body.... .

I concur, everyday we give up more and more rights, we need to hold on to every right we can, because sooner or later, we will just end up with none, it completely sucks that we lose rights because of "bad apples".
The fact of the matter is - none of us really know what the cause/effect of smoking marijuana long term is because its research has been outlawed for a long time.

Yes, marijuana contains chemicals that are all released at varying temperatures - some of which are cancerous.


Yes, in the limited testing that has been performed, THC has been found to slow or stop the growth of cancerous cells within the body.

Does the good cancel out the bad... probably not entirely.

Does this make papajohn any less of a raging homo? No. Go drop acid or something mr tripping balls avatar. I think you're lashing out at the "stoners" because their drug of choice is less damaging than yours. You probably have guilt for abusing your body - and you want others to feel that same guilt.

We don't. **bounces huge cloud of smoke off papajohn's head**
I'm going to have to side with the stoners on this one. Papa you need to have a special brownie and relaaaaax.
Papajohn is right in saying that stoners are fucking morons. I'm pro-legalization too, but you kids and your damn "lol marijuana makes me healthy n never die n stuff" is stupid.

Also stupid, "marijuana is illegal because hemp is useful for ~)*EVERYTHING*(~ and would like TOTALYLYLYL DESTROY INDUSTRY LOL!"

I can't help but resent you for this post...

How often do you actually meet a stoner who claims to smoke for health reasons?

People are fucking morons.

Open your mind...
this is exactly the kind of thing I meant. Thanks for proving my point.

Not at all, as was just proven. Not only that, but the thread title says "Marijuana is a cure to cancer". NOT "oil with extract of chemical from cannabis plant may slow or prevent cancer growth". "Marijuana is a cure to cancer" implies standard usage of marijuana, aka, smoking, can cure cancer, when in reality, smoke inhalation of any variety can cause cancer, not to mention the other chemicals in cannabis that are known carcinogens.

Dude you're like totally harshing the vibe in here man... :stonedsmilie:
smoking marijuana does not cure cancer - smoke inhalation and some of the other chemicals in marijuana are known carcinogens, so get your facts straight. not only that, but it also may lead to the damage of DNA. I'm pro-legalization, but so many of you stoners think marijuana is like acai berry. I can't wait until it's legalized to sell you guys a THC-pill rebill.

Evaluation of the DNA Damaging Potential of Cannabis Cigarette Smoke by the Determination of Acetaldehyde Derived N2-Ethyl-2?-deoxyguanosine Adducts - Chemical Research in Toxicology (ACS Publications)

report from the ACS journal on chemical toxicology that cannabis smoke leads to DNA damage

combustion is so 20th century...get a digi volcano, the vapor produced consists of one thing and one thing only and approx. 1% organic trace elements.

granted vaping is so easy on you, you wind up filling balloons all fucking day...which i'll admit is a real campaign killer...and i know there are guys out there where this is standard operating procedure, how the hell do you manage to do that??? :stonedsmilie:
I did watch it, it's about the oil, but your average stoner "HURR POT CURES CANCER MAN *toke toke*". They'll claim day in and day out about the benefits, but then won't say "the benefits only work in extract form", or they don't care and just want to use it as an excuse to smoke up. Look at the thread title, it's sensationalist. It doesn't say that the oil with the extract can help it, it just says "Marijuana is a cure to cancer!". Stoner mentality of "pot is great, see this is why you legalize it man! *smoke*"

No, you legalize it because it's not a government's position to tell me what I can or can not put in my body. Go smoke meth, I don't care as long as you aren't neglecting your kids as a result. Kill yourself if you want, not my concern.

It sounds like someone could use a toke or two...
I can't be assed to read this thread especially if its full of critisism on the medical marijuana movement but let me say this...

I smoke marijuana legally in the united states and have no worries of any kind of law enforcement local or federal doing anything about it.

I got pulled over going 92 a couple weeks ago with the car reaking of weed. The cop asked about it, i showed him my herb and doctors recomendations, he smelled it and took a look, wrote me a speeding ticket and told me to keep it under 65.

Does Marijuana cure cancer... no nothing on its own can just cure cancer, can it help stunt cancer cell growth and help wit hthings such as pain, nausia, and no appitite if your going through kemo, yes.

Can it help an old lady with her arthritis ir she rubs a tincature on her hands...yes, is it going to help someone with social anxiety get out more...yes, the key is knowing what your smoking/vaporizing/eating.

Different strains have different medical effects and knowledge is really power here, their are strains people worked years and years on specifically to find phenotypes that help with certain medical conditions.

Is MArijuana a merical, but it has a lot of benefit to a lot of people and a LOT less harmfull or side effects than plenty of legal medications not to mention alch/cigs

If that made no sense to this post wops lol like i said couldnt be assed to read it
granted vaping is so easy on you, you wind up filling balloons all fucking day...which i'll admit is a real campaign killer...and i know there are guys out there where this is standard operating procedure, how the hell do you manage to do that??? :stonedsmilie:

volcano balloons all day and aff marketing when im not at my day job. works for me.

I'd totally sign up for a rebill on the volcano bags (the ones you have to mail order from germany, not the stupid oven bags they sell in the supermarket). I ripped through about 6 boxes of the german oven bags in about 1 year but could use more.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to sell acai to fat bitches

that made me laugh
check youu lattterrr
I can't help but resent you for this post...

How often do you actually meet a stoner who claims to smoke for health reasons?


Open your mind...
Read my next post. I defined stoner rather specifically. People who just smoke weed aren't stoners for the context of that post. I have no negative associations to people who smoke weed; just people who smoke weed AND make a big deal about it.

Plenty of very intelligent people smoke weed.