Marijuana is a cure to cancer


Sep 11, 2007
Did you know this? Oil with THC made from Marijuana cures cancer

[ame=""]YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)[/ame]

You know I'm cancer free, smokin like a steam engine train over here!
smoking marijuana does not cure cancer - smoke inhalation and some of the other chemicals in marijuana are known carcinogens, so get your facts straight. not only that, but it also may lead to the damage of DNA. I'm pro-legalization, but so many of you stoners think marijuana is like acai berry. I can't wait until it's legalized to sell you guys a THC-pill rebill.

Evaluation of the DNA Damaging Potential of Cannabis Cigarette Smoke by the Determination of Acetaldehyde Derived N2-Ethyl-2?-deoxyguanosine Adducts - Chemical Research in Toxicology (ACS Publications)

report from the ACS journal on chemical toxicology that cannabis smoke leads to DNA damage

cured me of.."migraines, diaharrea, snoring, vagina problems, and arthritis..."
smoking marijuana does not cure cancer - smoke inhalation and some of the other chemicals in marijuana are known carcinogens, so get your facts straight. not only that, but it also may lead to the damage of DNA. I'm pro-legalization, but so many of you stoners think marijuana is like acai berry. I can't wait until it's legalized to sell you guys a THC-pill rebill.

If you had watched the video you would have seen that they're not talking about smoking marijuana.
If you had watched the video you would have seen that they're not talking about smoking marijuana.

I did watch it, it's about the oil, but your average stoner "HURR POT CURES CANCER MAN *toke toke*". They'll claim day in and day out about the benefits, but then won't say "the benefits only work in extract form", or they don't care and just want to use it as an excuse to smoke up. Look at the thread title, it's sensationalist. It doesn't say that the oil with the extract can help it, it just says "Marijuana is a cure to cancer!". Stoner mentality of "pot is great, see this is why you legalize it man! *smoke*"

No, you legalize it because it's not a government's position to tell me what I can or can not put in my body. Go smoke meth, I don't care as long as you aren't neglecting your kids as a result. Kill yourself if you want, not my concern.
I did watch it, it's about the oil, but your average stoner "HURR POT CURES CANCER MAN *toke toke*". They'll claim day in and day out about the benefits, but then won't say "the benefits only work in extract form", or they don't care and just want to use it as an excuse to smoke up. Look at the thread title, it's sensationalist. It doesn't say that the oil with the extract can help it, it just says "Marijuana is a cure to cancer!". Stoner mentality of "pot is great, see this is why you legalize it man! *smoke*"

No, you legalize it because it's not a government's position to tell me what I can or can not put in my body. Go smoke meth, I don't care as long as you aren't neglecting your kids as a result. Kill yourself if you want, not my concern.
ffs read dude. are you fucking blind? I said the oil containing THC made from marijuana cures cancer. not smoking pot cures cancer. jackass
ffs read dude. are you fucking blind? I said the oil containing THC made from marijuana cures cancer. not smoking pot cures cancer. jackass

thread title vs thread content, look at what you imply in the title, vs what the video says.
marijuana is also consider a herbal medicine... if smooking marijuana can heal cancer, why does our gov't says its illegal..?
marijuana is also consider a herbal medicine... if smooking marijuana can heal cancer, why does our gov't says its illegal..?

this is exactly the kind of thing I meant. Thanks for proving my point.

The thread title doesn't say or imply that smoking pot cures cancer. You're reaching.

Not at all, as was just proven. Not only that, but the thread title says "Marijuana is a cure to cancer". NOT "oil with extract of chemical from cannabis plant may slow or prevent cancer growth". "Marijuana is a cure to cancer" implies standard usage of marijuana, aka, smoking, can cure cancer, when in reality, smoke inhalation of any variety can cause cancer, not to mention the other chemicals in cannabis that are known carcinogens.
papajohn = buzzkill.

i prefer "realistic"

this is exactly the kind of thing I meant. Thanks for proving my point.

Not at all, as was just proven. Not only that, but the thread title says "Marijuana is a cure to cancer". NOT "oil with extract of chemical from cannabis plant may slow or prevent cancer growth". "Marijuana is a cure to cancer" implies standard usage of marijuana, aka, smoking, can cure cancer, when in reality, smoke inhalation of any variety can cause cancer, not to mention the other chemicals in cannabis that are known carcinogens.

Now if the title was actually "Smoking Marijuana is a cure to cancer" I'd see your point, but you are truly being a bitch. Have a beer.
Papajohn is right in saying that stoners are fucking morons. I'm pro-legalization too, but you kids and your damn "lol marijuana makes me healthy n never die n stuff" is stupid.

Also stupid, "marijuana is illegal because hemp is useful for ~)*EVERYTHING*(~ and would like TOTALYLYLYL DESTROY INDUSTRY LOL!"
Papajohn is right in saying that stoners are fucking morons. I'm pro-legalization too, but you kids and your damn "lol marijuana makes me healthy n never die n stuff" is stupid.

Also stupid, "marijuana is illegal because hemp is useful for ~)*EVERYTHING*(~ and would like TOTALYLYLYL DESTROY INDUSTRY LOL!"
Stoners may or may not be morons, but that doesn't have shit to do with this thread.