Manny Ramirez the greediest athlete in history!

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Domain Guru
Feb 26, 2009
Just watched sportscenter and saw that again Manny Ramirez rejected a $45million two year contract for the Dodgers. Is this guy serious?? His agent is indicating he wont play for less than $25mill/yr.

Look around Ramirez you greedy scumbag, the rest of the world is crumbling financially and you are holding out for an extra $5million a year on top of your $23million yearly salary..? Wow Americans are really sick to idolize these fucking slimeballs that have no respect for the sport they are representing.

Look, I don't think it's terrible that athletes can make millions of dollars playing sports, I usually defend athletes when this argument comes up, but this kind of set me off! :thefinger:

Why play for 23 when you can get 25? Scummy... sure, but it's just business. Stop hating on a guy just trying to get his buck on.
Dude, baseball is a fucking business why do you think you pay 10 dollars for a hot dog. If you don't like how much they get paid don't go to the games. At the end of the day the Fans ultimately pay for the jersey,tickets,and watch the games. Its not like he is asking the public to pay his salary he is asking the greedy billionaire baseball owners for the money big fucking deal. Demands is there then he will get paid if not he wont be paid that simple.
Why play for 23 when you can get 25? Scummy... sure, but it's just business. Stop hating on a guy just trying to get his buck on.

Yeh I really don't care, but personally for that kind of money I wouldn't even give 2 fucks about another 2 mil.
The reason why the Dodgers are hesitant to shell out that kind of money isn't because he's not worth it, it's because he's a nutcase. They don't want to commit to him because they know that as soon as he gets the money, he'll become a d-bag. He's a good player, but a half a season of being Mr. Good Guy with the Dodgers doesn't warrant that kind of cash. He'll have to do more than that, and quite frankly this behavior isn't helping his cause.
He's a little bitch. When there was some friction going on last year in Boston he pulled himself out of a game "because of his knee". Very next game he steals home.
I don't give a shit about baseball players getting their "buck on" on what the fuck ever makes them think they need the highest paying sports salaries. I understand it's all business but it's bullshit. Like jizzlobber said, he's a bitch who needs attention and fame he could give two shits about his teammates or the franchise he is playing for. Would you sacrifice 2 million out of your yearly salary to give your team a better chance to acquire better players and win more pennants?

Actually I don't hate him lol.. I just think he is making a fool out of himself.
He's a little bitch. When there was some friction going on last year in Boston he pulled himself out of a game "because of his knee". Very next game he steals home.

he just wants the highest payout for his work.

Little bitch? yeah, he's a bit of a crybaby, but he's also amazing...

You get what you Pay for
Baseball as a whole is absolutely ridiculous...

I probably won't watch it seriously again until a salary cap is instated...

I mean, I'm happy to see the players getting paid instead of owners and execs but the yankees are fucking ridiculous each and every free agency period, and something seriously needs to be done about it...

Instate monthly drug testing for all players, with mandatory suspensions for a failed test.

Make a salary cap, and make it comparable to the NFL salary cap (currently 120 some million). Even though thats ridiculous still, because a baseball team has less than half of the amount of players that an NFL team has. Make whatever changes you see fit based on the amount of games yearly (162 is alot, so maybe they should make more than football players, but its not like its a full contact sport).

Once baseball takes care of its steroids and salary issues I think it will be ok. But at the moment it feels like a dying sport, that's for sure.
Manny doesn't need that shit. He has grant and acai offers to promote. He's after big money now.
I'm a life-long Dodger fan and I hope we don't sign the guy. He's high maintenance and not good in the clubhouse. I'd rather have good character with talent than a head case that could decide to get hurt taking out the trash. Look at what the Rays pulled off and that was a good group pulling together. None of my fan friends agree with me but we know what happens when you try to buy (rather than build a championship). Yankees wrote the book on that one. Sure, you need to pay for good talent, but I just don't think Manny is worth the baggage that comes with him. Otherwise there would be at least two other teams also trying to sign him. So far only the LA is the serious suitor. Yea the economy this and that, but c'mon, only one taker offering close to what he wants? What does that tell you?
$25 Million for a 36 year old Manny? The dodgers are doing the right thing, as even the original offer($45 Mill/2 years) is too much. ManRam can still hit, but at this point in his career, it's not worth it.
He actually opted out of his final 2 years for 20 million per season, so percentage wise this is only a mild raise.

I'm a Dodgers fan too (Kirk Gibson FTMFW) and for once the front office is doing the right thing. No other team is even bidding on him and given how preseason is about to start I'm not sure how much time they have left. We definitely should not lock him up long term, our last few FA signings have been horrible (Jason Schmidt, Andruw effing Jones... heck Shawn Green, JD Drew weren't so good for us either). I know technically Manny isn't a FA pickup for us but we traded for him knowing we'd have to resign him.
His first Dodger offer was 25 Million for a year. but he wanted 2. Glad and a bit sad he is out of boston. but whatever, he is crazy.
Manny is a game changer. He deserves more than A-Fraud who got $28mil last season. It's a deal at $25mil. Sign him and say thank you.
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