Man Rolling Joint, Shot & Killed By Undercover

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Homegrown Hydro
Mar 26, 2008
This guy, 22 years old, was sitting in his car at a Sheetz convenience store rolling up a big phattie. There was an undercover "Plainclothed"policeman nearby and he was growing suspicious of this guy's behavior, so he began walking very fast up to the car.

This kid puts his car in reverse and begins to haul ass. Three other undercover's come out of nowhere, the kid runs over two of them, and the third cop shot this kid in the head and killed him before he could get away.

The inside scoop is that the kid thought it was someone trying to carjack him.

The video is here. This is the convenience store video camera shot. Yes, the quality somewhat sucks, but you can see what happens.

Police Shooting Video Released|ABC 13

Now, my question is this. Did this dude deserve to be shot in the head and killed by undercover "plainclothed" officers?

Or could the officers have done something else to prevent this?

I don't get it... it seems like the two guys by the door could have just grabbed him after he stumbled out? They shot him at point blank range?
I don't get it... it seems like the two guys by the door could have just grabbed him after he stumbled out? They shot him at point blank range?

From what I gather the officer who ran to the right of the car is the one who shot him. Point Blank. Right in the head. You can see his girlfriend hauling ass out of the car....but you don't see him
If we only legalized it this wouldn't be a problem ... there would be nothing "suspicious" about the guy sitting in a parking lot because he'd buy the shit pre-rolled and just burn one after another.

Just another victim of big blue. It pains me as I rolled in public for years ... until I figured out how awesome a dug-out is :rasta:
Its working in IE.

that's really horrible to say the least. I would of thought I was getting car-jacked too, if they'd have been in uniform the guy would have known better, no one would have had to got ran over or shot.
I don't see where he got shot. Looked like he got out of the car before anything happened. If he made it out of the car, I don't see why he should have been shot. But you can't see a whole lot from that video, and you can't go plowing over people in plain daylight. He fucked up.
Mother got bad lucks, ha.

*mother fucking cops should go eat their donuts and mind their own god fucking business.
They always do this shit. How would any normal person know that some plainclothed assholes are police. Or when they break in houses ( often the wrong address) in dark clothing with automatic weapons and start shooting dogs.

Rarely will they identify themselves as police or if they do they purposely make it so no one knows that they did. Then they always LIE and say they identitfied themselves and that they were attacked or some other bullshit. You have to lie to cover your ass when you are supposed to be some badass cowboy but are scared a fucking family dog or mistake a guy's penis for a gun.

At least they finally did this shit to someone "important" when they terrorized that MD mayor's family and shot his dogs. One of them even had the nerve to call to schedule a vet appointment for their own dog after killing his and letting them bleed all over the place. Of course they lied about announcing themselves and all the usual shit too.

There are also recent videos of some pig tackling a bicycle rider and another one of them beating the shit out of some guy outside a stadium and then lying and saying he punched them when the video shows otherwise. They dont compare to the testicle electode and water torture tapes out there, of course.

He pretty much WAS carjacked and murdered, if you ask me. just because a terrorist thug has a badge doesn't make him any less of a criminal.

Sure it could be prevented - If by some miracle you curtail the whole expansion of this law enforcement culture that is "Us vs. Them" and that cops are at war with civilians and its all some playing war bullshit. Stop giving tanks to towns with 500 population and no violent crimes. Stop making every non-crime a crime in the first place. Stop using paid criminal informants who lie. Stop allowing non-knock warrants for non violent crimes. Start serving search warrants in broad daylight or do something rational like apprehending suspects when they walk outside to check the mail or go to work rather than waiting until you can shoot their kids in the middle of the night. stop glorifying SWAT teams on cable tv and having news casters ride around with them and play dressup. Stop giving medals to police who murder people or celebrate them for being "brave" when they breakdown the wrong door. Restore the 4th, 9th, 10th, hell restore ALL the amendments to the Consitution. Stop encouraging and recruiting community spies and encouraging people ( in addition to police) to spy on their neighbors and tell them to mind their own fucking business because here in America we are rugged individualists who want to make money and have fun and live our lives without a bunch of fucking facists looking in our windows and jerking off.
Cops suck. Not a surprise at all. And cops in plain clothes look like criminals for the most part.
Its not "Man Rolling Joint, Shot & Killed By Undercover", its "Man Rolling Joint, runs two officers down with his car and then gets shot & killed". Damn misleading titles trying to make it sound like a cop shot a guy for rolling a joint.
Its not "Man Rolling Joint, Shot & Killed By Undercover", its "Man Rolling Joint, runs two officers down with his car and then gets shot & killed". Damn misleading titles trying to make it sound like a cop shot a guy for rolling a joint.
Man who had no idea the fuckers were cops most likely. If a random guy rolls up to my car and starts asking questions, you can bet your ass I'm going to burn out of there too. And the guys behind him kinda came out of nowhere.
Thinking you are going to get carjacked doesn't give you a reason to run people over with you car...

The fucker deserved it imo
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