Man Abruptly Jumps To Death: Why?

And hope she's not a total souless cunt either.

All chinese are soulless cunts. Can confirm my mom is chinese and is a soulless cunt (no offense if you read this ma, but you took away my pokemans and forced me to do homework during middle school). Also all my chinese housemates are soulless cunts (no offense if you read this housemates but you are ruthless beings who would throw little kitten babies into the kitchen disposal to get one step closer to your goals. You have no souls).

thankfully, the white half of me is innovative enough to drop out of school and go into self-employment while the chinese half of me is ruthless enough to sell dildos to 60 year old christian widows.

Not only in Asia,

It happens in this country too, I have seen many men get a verbal beat down from their wives, and the guy just takes it. Some of my guy friend's get verbal beat down, it always comes when the guy doesn't expect it, like a blindside, like a google panda update, no one know's what will happen next.
He was like, You have dishonored me and my family and my shaolin temple-jumps to death.
He made a choice. A better choice would have been to drop the bags and walk out. It was not her fault that wussy man had the fortitude of a limp noodle.

You marketers are hating on a woman who can't stop spending money? tsk-tsk
In Asia men are not put in jail for beating their wives nor they have to give half of their shit on divorce.

This dude should be mentally ill.

Lets see ... this guy really only had a few options...

1. Commit suicide by dramatically throwing his self off a balcony in front of this bitch thus making her feel guilty for the rest of her life. (still laughing about this shit)

2. Deal with this bitch for the rest of your god damn life.
(for reals? fuuuuck!)

3. Try and find another woman in a country where women are in high demand because of their scarcity (Chinese birthrate is 1.20 men to every 1 woman). And hope she's not a total souless cunt either.

3. Go gay. (Have you seen the size of Chinese dicks? Booooring!)

Fuck it, I'd jump too.

option 0.5 - don't go shopping with women. I learned that by age 9 & wasn't that smart of a kid. Problem solved.
option 4 : leave that bitch there, go home, put her shit on the curb with a big fucking red bow and change the locks. Merry Christmas honey!

spoon pic?

you make a lot of sense there.

what a fucking Chinese beta, it pisses me off!

he deserves to die again, for being stupid to jump into his own death over stupidest shit ever. if he didn't die on impact, I would throw his girlfriend from above on his head, to make sure he gone.

he deserves to die again, for being stupid to jump into his own death over stupidest shit ever.

You guys must realize this is not why he killed himself.

Sure, this might be the immediate reason, the straw that broke the camel's back. But it's the not ultimate reason. I'm sure it's 10,000 things all compounding in addition depression and anxiety and losing his J.O. Crystal.
You guys must realize this is not why he killed himself.

Sure, this might be the immediate reason, the straw that broke the camel's back. But it's the not ultimate reason. I'm sure it's 10,000 things all compounding in addition depression and anxiety and losing his J.O. Crystal.

The fact that this even needs to be said is sad. WF has it's problems but man the idiots commenting on news websites are stupid as shit.

" Acai to for higher IQ points - Experts are baffled."
You guys must realize this is not why he killed himself.

Sure, this might be the immediate reason, the straw that broke the camel's back. But it's the not ultimate reason. I'm sure it's 10,000 things all compounding in addition depression and anxiety and losing his J.O. Crystal.

Most likely he had money problems he wasn't telling his wife about, and her "you're ruining Christmas" comments when he tried to stop her spending just hit him where it hurt too much. Very typical Christmas story in my experience.
Most likely he had money problems he wasn't telling his wife about, and her "you're ruining Christmas" comments when he tried to stop her spending just hit him where it hurt too much. Very typical Christmas story in my experience.

He should've just told her he has cashflow issues or just dumped the bitch. If she won't understand that he can't afford it right now or doesn't want to do it, and doesn't keep asking for new stuff to be bought she is just using him for his money obviously. Beta Male ....
Pro tip:
