Making money with the Auction2Post Plugin

nice share, efreezy! certainly not limited to Amazon as a secondary partner as efreezy points out.

A.S.E. was great for meeting retail merchants w/ affiliate programs - a lot of those items are available for sale on eBay as well. between sidebar widgets, datafeeds from other merchants (outside scope of auction2post), and mashup posts w/ a2p and either additional plugins like Machine Tags or hard coding in the merchant links in the templates, there are lots of ways to make these sites profitable w/ mutliple streams of income. All the while a2p is pumping the sites full of content from eBay.

Just so everyone knows, the A2P template can be customized however you want. Even if you don't want to go with the Amazon products you can insert other products directly into the template. I coded up a simple 2 column table in notepad and inserted some related products from CJ on one of my iphone sites. It shows a small thumbnail image, which is clickable, and then a text link description. And you could get way fancier if you wanted to. Just another option for getting more products on your A2P sites. Check it out.


I think I missed something here. Are you saying you used Amazon and CJ through Auction2post instead of ebay, or added them into the template by hard coding or another plugin?
I think I missed something here. Are you saying you used Amazon and CJ through Auction2post instead of ebay, or added them into the template by hard coding or another plugin?

emphasis mine.

a2p is a tool for pulling in content, but gives you a template system that allows you to insert shortcodes for other plugins, or straight html for including other affiliate offers. a2p works with the eBay API and only the eBay API - it does not work w/ Amazon API or CJ directly.
emphasis mine.

a2p is a tool for pulling in content, but gives you a template system that allows you to insert shortcodes for other plugins, or straight html for including other affiliate offers. a2p works with the eBay API and only the eBay API - it does not work w/ Amazon API or CJ directly.

Got it now. I watched a video for it too. That's pretty sweet, and nice to have since EPN just changed the affiliate model.
Headed to find my wallet and pull the trigger on this. I will let everyone know how I do.
Thanks Mike this is some of the best info I have seen on here in awhile, ya really make a noob file good lol :)
Quick update: without any additional SEO to the sites, I'm still seeing clicks and conversions coming through. Up to a whopping $120 this month! LOL!

Unfortunately, I've been tweaking landing pages and worrying about PPC and not spending any time on the A2P sites. I've got a pending order with nanexo (told him I'm in no hurry) so when that's finished I'll give you guys another update. If his service works as well as I hope (fingers crossed) it could be a big boost and save me a ton of time.
Well, a big props and thanks to SEO_Mike for the write-up... we've been considering A2P for some time now (ok, about 5 weeks) for a few start-up sites currently being monetized using similar methods (WordPress of course, automated RSS import, YARPP, and many of the WP plugins and strategies you mention in your great series of posts)...

Since some of our sites are earning $xx to mid $xxx through EPN and this through organic traffic, we're not going to take a major change (A2P engine on the backend, with possible A2P themes changing the UI on the front) without a bit of research.

This thread has certainly helped!

Now, anyone using A2P for eBay sites other than ? (I'm not even sure if A2P supports international eBay sites)...

Everyone getting ready for the new QCP EPN model ?

:) Cheers,

a2p has international support. Just set it in your general settings for your country code in the pull down menu. Several users in the UK, Australia, etc.

there's really not that much of a change when implementing a2p - it's a plugin. that's it. it's a pretty cool plugin that delivers the goods, but it's still just a plugin. no crazy backend stuff that you'll need to worry about. minimize the menu tab and it's barely noticeable.

As far as UI on the front end - the templates can be completely customized by you to fit the current layout of your site. These are posts that are being created - not like a BANS site that you relinquish full control over to - but rather a tool for developing posts that you then manipulate however you would any other post.

The a2p Theme Pack themes are not templates - simply wp themes used for quick out of the box deployments of a2p.

hope that helps.
I was going to try and start as a complete newb with this tutorial and see how far it got me...

I have 3 questions:

1. One of them is above about the new QCP EPN model ebay is starting tomorrow. Will it change the strategy to simply get clicks over there rather than a conversion to a sale? Will this effect what you are trying to look for as far as trends with tera?

2. This is probably going to get the dumb label stamped on my forehead, but if I am understanding a2p plugin correctly, isnt this just going to create a landing page from ebay's (or amazon's) content? Basically the point is to drive traffic to ebay from the content thats already on there, right?

3. With an interest in keeping it simple stupid, can I just register a domain like and use subdirectories and subdomains to SEO the offering? Or should I register a more specific name for a category and then put a lot of similar offerings under one domain? I dont mind installing wordpress, activating plugins, and registering a lot of different domains, but theres got be a point where it doesnt become cost effective. Does this really just matter on the specific niche I am going after?

Thanks in advance for dealing with me. I will be in debt to you guys forever if this pays off:bowdown:
I was going to try and start as a complete newb with this tutorial and see how far it got me...

I have 3 questions:

1. One of them is above about the new QCP EPN model ebay is starting tomorrow. Will it change the strategy to simply get clicks over there rather than a conversion to a sale? Will this effect what you are trying to look for as far as trends with tera?
Until there is more data on how the QCP affects things, it's hard to make changes. I don't think it will affect how I dig through TeraPeak. It might, but again, not enough time with the new QCP and data to say yet.
2. This is probably going to get the dumb label stamped on my forehead, but if I am understanding a2p plugin correctly, isnt this just going to create a landing page from ebay's (or amazon's) content? Basically the point is to drive traffic to ebay from the content thats already on there, right?
Yes and more or less yes.
3. With an interest in keeping it simple stupid, can I just register a domain like and use subdirectories and subdomains to SEO the offering? Or should I register a more specific name for a category and then put a lot of similar offerings under one domain? I dont mind installing wordpress, activating plugins, and registering a lot of different domains, but theres got be a point where it doesnt become cost effective. Does this really just matter on the specific niche I am going after?
Sure. Nothing wrong with subdomains IMO. Just name them: niche-keyword.your-site.tld
Thanks in advance for dealing with me. I will be in debt to you guys forever if this pays off:bowdown:
Welcome. :D :xomunch: :D
My site is up (sorry about the delay, a few new clients and trying to catch up) but as of today its ready on the server and I have been checking out categories and some of the wp plug ins.

Anyone have any traffic advice they want to throw out? I will keep everyone updated. Wish me luck.
we are about to launch auction2post on one of our new wp landing pages. Will keep you updated once its out of development.
Small Advice can you change the buy url to image button link it is not visible to the user so i am loosing lot for conversion.