Making money with FEAR

I think y'all should watch this doc:
Watch Bulletproof Salesman Online | Netflix

Guy does cold calls in Iraq selling armored cars. Says stuff like, "People need to die to improve the product." Gets shot at in his armored car by a prospective buyer. Gets turned down by one agency, but then a reporter is killed and get gets an order for 50 cars.

Just watch it.

Bulletproof Salesman - YouTube

Part 1
Bulletproof Salesman - Part 1 - YouTube

Watching this now on Netflix, might make its way as one of my favorite documentaries. Thanks for the recommendation.

It matters not.

The kind of parent that would care so little about their child to let it go to a public school is the kind of parent that would feel like they are entitled to have everything given to them for "free." (Not to mention that they'd also believe that the government has their best interest at heart.)
that is a blanket bullshit statement.

We sent my oldest to school for 2 years, took him out for 3 and sent him back in the 5th grade when my youngest started kindergarten.

My children go to public school cause I want them to. I also do not believe half the shit they teach and spend hours a week deprogramming that bullshit.

The only kids who are going to be successful in this world are ones who have parents and people who care about them. Who site down and spend time with them.

Me and my wife have it good because we are both home at all times. Thinking families that have 2 working parents do not care about the kids they are raising is you being an asshole and making blanket assumptions. You do not know what they go through daily.

[ame=]America fuck yeah-team america - YouTube[/ame]
It matters not.

The kind of parent that would care so little about their child to let it go to a public school is the kind of parent that would feel like they are entitled to have everything given to them for "free." (Not to mention that they'd also believe that the government has their best interest at heart.)

That's really not fair. My kids won't go to public school, but plenty of kids do simply because their parents can't afford to send them to private either because of the actual cost or the time cost.

Assuming someone feels a certain way about things simply because of their income level is weak.
LOL Remember the guy on the Today Show after 9/11 trying to sell the personal parachutes, and couldn't get it on properly?